Hello, ladies and gentlemen. I'm Leader Vladimir and this might be an unpopular opinion, but I'm not a huge fan of Smallville, as if the title wasn't obvious enough.
If anyone likes Smallville, more power to you. Personally, I was never able to get emotionally invested on Smallville, no matter how many times I watched it. The basic premise of Smallville is "the adventures of Clark Kent before he became Superman." Okay, so what's he gonna do during this time? Apparently, he does the exact same things he does as Superman, but without the things that make him iconic, like the suit or the power of flight.
By season 7 or 8, Clark has already fought quite a few members of his rogue gallery, befriended fellow superheroes, started a relationship with Lois Lane and even become employed at the Daily Planet, but I still had to wait till the very last moments of the series finale to watch Clark put on the iconic suit, and even then, the full suit was never visible, only the symbol beneath Clark's shirt.
If you're wondering if there is anything I genuinely enjoyed about Smallville, well, I liked the performances. Whatever grievances I may have against this show, I can never accuse the actors of phoning in their performances for some easy paychecks. Tom Welling, Erica Durance and Michael Rosenbaum can't be praised enough for their performances throughout the show. Unfortunately, good acting can only do so much to elevate bad writing, especially when characters are only allowed to develop and evolve through such a slow pace.
Like I said, if you liked Smallville, that's perfectly fine. I'm not trying to destroy your enjoyment of this TV show. Despite my dislike of Smallville, I genuinely respect this TV show as an installment in the Superman franchise, but just because I'm fan of Superman doesn't mean I'm obligated to like every little thing the Superman franchise does with its characters and stories. If I had to give this show a ranking, I would give it a 6/10 and that's pretty generous.
Well, that's all I have for you this time. Now, it's your turn to tell me what do you think about Smallville. Do you like it? Do you hate it? Or perhaps do you find yourself in the middle, with no strong feelings either way? Whatever your thoughts may be, please write them in a polite, civilized manner. We're all fans of Superman and DC here, we just see things differently. So, leave a comment below, thanks for your time and stay safe out there!