61 Votes in Poll
Yeah, Jon was probably born like 2 years ago in continuity and aged-up somehow since it wouldn't make much sense either way
Do the events of Fall and Rise of Captain Atom still stand? If they do, the timeline is easy to establish.
2000 - No costumed heroes.
2005-2006 Superman Debuts in Metropolis. (From New-52 Action Comics #1)
2007 - Batman and GL Hal Jordan meet for the first time. (from New-52 Justice League #1)
2012 - there is an organized Justice League.
So if this book is still canon, and I can put together the timeline in those three books, Batman and Green Lantern debuted no more than 2 years after Superman, and that was 20 years ago,
I think that was retconned since that came out during the post-new 52's 5-year timeline that is no longer in continuity
I was using the Infinite Frontier ‘everything goes’ logic. I don’t think that anything changed with Superman’s debut despite big-C continuity changes because: after Doomsday Clock finished; the Kent’s (Martha and Jonathan) no longer died at Clark’s Prom - but Clark still didn’t debut as Superboy, so I inferred that he still debuted in Metropolis which would put his debut on the same dates.
Yes, literal dates are hard to maintain through Crisis events, but I’ve not seen them invalidated either. 🤷♂️
He did become Superboy in that story
Apologies CCAST, you’re correct. So that means that Jon inspired the creation of the LOSH; then it was retconned that Clark inspired the Legion?
Wait a minute. I’m missing something. Bendis’s Superman run (volume 5 IIRC) had Mr Oz (Jor-El) take Jon Kent on an accelerated timeline, so that he could become Superboy and reintroduce the LOSH into Prime Earth continuity. That was the whole point of aging Jon up.
So after Doomsday Clock, and Dr Manhattan restored Superman’s timeline and the LOSH - was there still a Mr Oz to age up Jon Kent? If not, how is Jon aged?
The ending of Dark Nights: Death Metal canonized every single main timeline of Earth-0, the "main Earth" of the multiverse. Everything from 1938 to 2020 is canon, even the stories that contradict other stories.
Please don't ask me how that works because I have no clue.
Wow. This is worse than the bootstraps paradox in that show with the time travelling blue phone booth.
Yeah… DC is honestly a mess right now.
What do you think?