The Suicide Squad by James Gunn is a really good movie.
It has a lot of good-placed jokes and is extremely funny. I really had the fear that James Gunn would overload it with jokes and make every death seem unspectacular and just use deaths to get some laughs, but no he got it perfectly right.
The movie has a ton of heartfelt moments and the characters are extremely likeable. This movie is the first media that actually made me like Harley (at least a little bit). The Suicide Squad does what it promises: a lot of characters don't even make it half through the movie, which makes us also fear for ur favorite characters' lives. Something a lot of todays media fails to do.
The movie is, like seen in the trailers, very gory. I think the gore was sometimes too over-the-top, but it isn't like I couldn't enjoy the movie because of it. There is also some unneccesary nudity, which was a little bit awkward, but its only in a short section and I could ignore it.
It's also good for people who don't know a thing about the DCEU or even DC in general, you can watch it and enjoy it on it's own, while being also part of the DCEU continuity.
There are a lot of twists I didn't see coming, I think the trailers showed a little bit too much though.
The music felt like it was handpicked and not randomly thrown around like in the first movie, which really helpt in building the atmosphere and was a great Addition.
I think The Suicide Squad is a great movie, which exceeds it's predecessor by far. I'd even say it's one of the best live action DC films (easily top 10, maybe top 5). You will be definetly pleased if you don't have a Problem with gore. If you habe the time you definetly should check it out.
I'd give it an 9/10 and on the entertainment scale about an A.