What relationship? Her introduction in the comics has him abusing and dumping her in her first appearance, they never had a "relationship".
Wait who edited that we just went with "(grandfather, deceased)"
Is still can't get over the edgy teenagers that consider JokerxHarley "relationship goals". Grow up.
It's the DKR Batman.
A lot of the digital first comics don't have pages yet. But the ones that do are in this category
Renee Montoya, even though she technically doesn't fit.
The only good thing about Earth 14 is that it was destroyed.
I can see it.
Snyder's following has often been compared to a cult.
Companies only have one standard: money.
In my personal headcanon, the Black Condor of Earth-11's real name is Lance Dinah.
Just pretend there is no drama and derail the conversation in a different direction :)
This is off-topic which is a bit more lose than the rest of the board. If this is evasion of a global block, report it to Staff with this form.
DC just wants to diversify its income. Marvel is undeniably a bigger seller so they don't need it that much.
If there's money making potential, companies will talk about cross promotion. Both benefit. Companies have entire departments dedicated to that. That doesn't mean it's easy to get.
Can you elaborate? Why would it have the "DC license" on them if they're not DC related?
I you're talking about the shoes, that's a separate brand.
Exactly. Not the first time, 52 Earth-3 also started out as a fresh take and then Countdown just made it the same as the Antimatter Universe.
Which 52 Earth-10 are we talking about? Because that one was portrayed twice, incredibly different.
Offending is easy. Lazy. Any asshole can do that. Put some effort in.
I prefer my comedians deadpan and self-deprecating. If you can't make jokes at your own expense you shouldn't be in comedy.