Superman shouldn't be the last son of Krypton because then we can't have Supergirl as his cousin. I hate how the "Last Son of Krypton" mandate changed Kara's last name from Zor-El to In-Ze in the DCAU and her race changed from Kryptonian to "Argoan" while still keeping her powers the same as Superman and keeping her weakness to Kryptonite. It's confusing because that makes viewers watching Justice League Unlimited believe she's the same Kryptonian Kara Zor-El from the comics but no, her origin story in Superman TAS showed her as Clark's adopted "cousin" Kara In-Ze from Argo. And not Argo City, but Planet Argo. It's clear that the showrunners really wanted to use the Kryptonian Supergirl but John Byrnes' mandate that Superman should be the last survivor of Krypton forced them to change Kara's origin in the cartoon. Kind of weird how they still used Jax-Ur and changed the Amazon Mala to a Kryptonian.
And in the comics, it's better to keep Kryptonians as a minority instead of keeping Kal-El the last Kryptonian in the galaxy. We've seen how that mandate messed up the backstories of former Kryptonians. Power Girl's backstory was a mess when she was Atlantean and was weak to rocks and wood.
Maybe Superman and the Kryptonians should get more weaknesses so that Kryptonite isn't overused. How are these villains getting Kryptonite anyway? Did every chunk of Krypton just pour down on Earth in a meteor shower?
There are some people who like Wonder Woman but don't care about Greek mythology.
Still, I don't think we saw her freeze stuff in that episode, so people unfamiliar with Bizarro in the comics would probably mistake it for heat vision even with the slight purple tint.
This forum is clearly talking about heat vision, not cold vision. And I never said CW's Superman is the only one as I said "The CW version of Superman probably sees blue instead because Kryptonians in Supergirl's show have blue heat vision." We've seen Melissa Benoist's blue heat vision a lot more than Tyler Hoechlin's. And that made it hard to tell that Bizarro Girl's eye beams was cold vision in that beam-of-war.
Well, obviously anyone shooting beams out of their eyes would see the color of the beam.
His vision is probably tinted red. That episode of X-Men: Evolution where Cyclops was lost in the desert without his glasses gave us a glimpse of what Scott sees when he fires his optic blasts, and he sees red through his optic blasts just like he sees red through his ruby quartz lenses, and since Superman's heat vision is red too, he probably sees red. The CW version of Superman probably sees blue instead because Kryptonians in Supergirl's show have blue heat vision.
@Legionaire315 Five alien races? That's an odd number. What would his ancestry be like? Would the Kryptonian/Martian hybrid be his grandfather who married a daughter of Thanagar and Tamaran, and their son married an Amazon?
Hey, why don't we add an Atlantean to the hybrid. The Amazon can marry an Atlantean man. Wait, would an Amazonian hybrid automatically be a girl?
Zack Snyder's Justice League Steppenwolf looks dumb with that animated spiky armor. That must be dangerous to wear. Would his armor scratch him when his back itches?
(Checks to see that it's a 16-hour-old thread) Okay.
I like Brec Bassinger's costume the best.
@Arise Etrigan What is ToNE?
Eobard came back every season, Zoom actually became a reaper, Savitar's existence is the most confusing time paradox ever, don't remember Ricardo's death that well. Whale is dead? Did I not finish Black Lightning? Adrian's death blew up the island. Hmm... Hard to pick. Guess I'd go with Savitar because of the irony of being killed by the woman he was supposed to kill, and he just shouldn't have existed anyway.
Wow. Can't believe Henry Cavill won over half the votes when a lot of people hated his version of Superman.
You can blame it all on Donna Troy's retconned history where she was originally supposed to be the younger Diana but ended up becoming her own person.
Not a fan of how they blackwashed Deadshot with Will Smith, but that mask makes up for it. Though, without his mask he just looks like Agent J from Men in Black.
Yeah, I liked the airport scene in Civil War.
I'm pretty sure she's bi, and the versions of her in the homosexual category just haven't confirmed her interest in men.
It seems almost like WB Discovery is cancelling everything.
Wonder Woman didn't get her movie until 2017 in the DCEU (unless you count a direct-to-DVD animated movie in 2009). Meanwhile, Batman and Superman got a bunch of movies pre-DCEU. And in terms of TV, her only show was the one with Lynda Carter in the 70's.
I liked it. Even the theatrical release.
Come on, this is Batman and Superman's first meeting in live-action! How could this possibly be disappointing?