Hyped for live-action Bakugan movie, I've started watching Bakugan from 2023. I'm on episode 5. So far it's been a blast. My only nitpicks are that the VAs don't always match lip flaps and the stakes don't seem as high as the first couple episodes might imply. Not yet at least.
You mean stuff Scooby-Doo or Looney Tunes comics? That's because DC has/had their publishing rights, simple as that. One of the reasons might be shared ownership by WB.
^ Correct.
Here's the translations of the lyrics I found:
Your eyes, eyes, stones
Mine, yours, mine
You, what I mean
[Verse 1]
My eyes and your eyes
Oh, those beautiful stones
Mine was yours and yours was mine
You know what I mean
[Verse 2]
Long is since I saw him
Truly fair he was
All that may adorn a man
Most of the people carried him
[Verse 3]
You I long for most of all
Heavy with the flood of tears
Oh, that I never had seen you
Dear beloved friend
Speaking of stand-up comedians, some of my favorites include Jack Whitehall, Taylor Tomlinson, Michael Blaustein, Jimmy Carr. Olka Szcęśniak from my country (Poland).
🍕 Happy Pizza day! 🍕 What are your favourite pizza toppings/kinds?
Mine is probably Capriciosa (the one with ham and mushrooms) but I also like chicken, kebab or the like. Hawaiian isn't bad either.
Green Lantern (Sojourner 'Jo' Mullein).
I've just beaten Pokémon White 2 using only snakes! This was my final team. Elite Four took me 4 tries. Iris battle was a close one but Eelektross clutched at the end.
^^ Not all Detective Comics feature Batman tho.
You answered your own questions in tags.
At some point, all of them.
^ Recency bias, I guess? Most people are too young to remember old Superman movies, after all.
Both Arrow (2nd suit) and Superman are very comic accurate but I'm gonna go with the latter.
I mean, sure, people have their type but that's just pathetic.
I hate AI-generated images with a passion.
Yeah. The only DC stuff on Cartoon Network rn are Teen Titans GO! and Beast Boy: Lone Wolf, IIRC.
I mean, MAWS airs both on Adult Swim and MAX, no?
^ It is but it's rated TV-PG.
I love how comic book accurate everyone looks! Idk wtf is that kaiju thing tho. 🤔
I have a few:
Jinnny Hex.
Batman (Jace Fox).
Roxy Rocket.
Green Lantern (Sojourner 'Jo' Mullein).
Naomi McDuffy.
4/10. Really tough questions there.