If you're talking creative versatility, then MAWS had that far better than Caped Crusader. Which mainly spoke to the same talking points.
I brought up the show. You made it about the movie.
It is. Though yeah, no real connection to Batman either.
No, I literally mean the 2003 series Birds of Prey. Batman didn't even appear in the movie.
Even that one got the nipples sanded off to look really cool in Birds of Prey.
It was this version's best suit by default. It was hardly the best live action suit when you got ones like Keaton, Bale, and even right after with Pattinson in existence.
Really was his only good suit by default.
Don't think him being old is gonna make his scenes CGI and more just... the plain old fact that he's playing Green Lantern.
In comparison to ones who had previously worked in the DCEU however, he is doing wonders in characterization at least staying accurate. Though his comedic spins on characters just on them being obscure so he can therefore warp them is still constant.
And yeah, the DCU is very clearly going with the older Parallax Hal, but still, know they only have a limited shelf life of his arc. And same with the character of Guy who is supposed to be younger than him. When Nathan Fillion would've been the better choice for an older Hal while having a younger arrogant Guy.
Wouldn't say not trying to gain back their Ennis deal is really wasteful.
And yes, it is very much vastly different as the Guardians were. Which some of it works and some of it doesn't.
We are inevitably going to have characters aging out of roles however. Hell, in the DCU, it's gonna happen quicker for ones like the Green Lanterns. So if that was your problem with the MCU in having an actual linear canon, then get ready to be disappointed here too.
Introducing the Trinity first altogether without actually developing them or anyone else was what got us into this mess.
That's not really a sign of it's quality when they replaced half their programming hours with this one series from it's beginning. Unless the series did REALLY good it's whole way through, that's not a mark for it as much as them just wishing to force it into becoming the ONLY show on CN.
Could see it happening, but he's been way past his DCAU prime. With Paul Dini being better at this kind of crossover case. And for the both of them, they admitted they weren't initially good with Superman and the other heroes involved. Where the major crossovers were specific to one show. In which that one's creator is no longer with us.
As for this latest stuff, it was for sure My Adventures With Superman. Hands down. Creature Commandos has some good arcs, but it is the very typical affair in most points to Gunn's Squad rather than this new team's lore and arcs. I haven't seen ISEKAI yet, but Caped Crusader is just very business as usual despite it's distinctive style and it's occasional good ideas. Kite-Man has some fun moments, but doesn't entirely justify it spinning off this Harley Quinn-verse. And while Batwheels has some fun talent for a kids show at this level, TTG has been the same terrible slop it's always been.
Because some do exist that fans have loved and still do. Hell, that's why stuff like this post exists.
People hated him getting a speed run in being aged up. They didn't mind the idea of Jon being Superman somewhere down the line. They ironically were more pissed of him replacing Conner due to being closer to his age than Clark's.
And again, that is a major change for DC that you can't just say is temporary or just dismiss as the exception when it lasted 20 years out of some major characters.
That's the BS they say. It's not what ends up resulting out of their long-term history of switch ups. They're just as many permeant changes as there are stagnant ones.
Except that was an arc that reached it's inevitable conclusion with Tim separating to his own arcs and life. Even going to college separate from the rest of the Bat adventures. That's a progression of the arc. Not proving the points within it right. If anything, it proved it wrong. And Stephanie's been Batgirl far longer than she's been Robin by now which Batgirls proved. While Duke isn't a Robin. He's The Signal first.
Dan's plan was for it to happen immediately. The dislike of him eventually being Superman was a minority. Especially when Clark having a book of a full family life with Jon and Lois was incredibly well received. We just didn't want things speedran through.
Not really. Just depends how they go about it.
What? Because of the bowtie? Not all the modern versions have that now.
Hell, Peter Parker hasn't kept all his traits from the past and same with Jonah. Spider-Man ends up selling photos of himself by email instead of postal in most modern continuities now.
As for Jimmy Olsen, he's been set up the same way. My Adventures with Superman repurposed the Flamebird identity to be more of a social media handle/alias more than an alter ego.
Kara was never set up to be replaced by Matrix. They killed her off to complete her arc and then needed another Supergirl in the new continuity in which Kryptonians were outlawed by the new head of the book. Unlike Wally, that was never set up. And even with Wally, you can't just say contrived exceptions exist when its just plain evidence to the contrary to legacies not being allowed long-term.
Wonder Woman was more of yet another example that these shakeups do happen. Not always that temporarily either. Like Diana being powerless and being a spy.
Damian is riding on coattails for being in the status all the Robins have been at. So that's irrelevant thinking when all of them have been there. And nobody said it had to be Dick, but he is an example of an actual legacy and not like Jean where it was more of a Reign of the Supermen case.
No, it isn't. Jon existed before Jace and Yara and were setup beyond Future State and whatever the 5G BS or whatever people peddle new arcs of continuity into. Not to mention even when taking that pathway seriously mainly seen through very slim leaks, Jon wasn't even the freaking plan. Mon-El was. Jon existed before this supposed era.
Yeah, which people complained when they did that too. In any direction. From minor to major.
He's the template for the rest to reach for, and the one I grew up with.