They looked like cosplayers. 😐
It was alright
Booster Gold for sure. We haven’t had a shit ton of movies and/or video games over the past couple of years about him so it’ll be something new in terms of DC
I’ve always liked Jessica Cruz. I haven’t read much about her, lately, but she’s definitely an interesting character — at least for me
I’ve still gotta watch the flash movie 😭
I’m used to seeing Superboy in the black shirt. Anything else looks weird to me
I like the blue but I wish we saw more of the black and red suit
I’ve gotta go with the first Wonder Woman movie. I’ve never felt so bored watching a movie in my life. The only good part of the movie was like….the last 10-20 minutes.
The first time I watched it, I thought it was a great movie, but then I decided to rewatch it and that’s when I started noticing my likes and dislikes.
Like stated above, Dwayne Johnson’s character was extremely boring
Couldn’t really tell what side the kids Mother was on. She just kept switching up
They killed Doctor Fate.
Used a Shazam villain
Pacing issues
I liked that it included Doctor Fate. I think he was the best part of the movie, and truth be told he’s the only reason I even watched it:
Action scenes were 🔥
But anyways that’s just a couple of my thoughts from the movie. Obviously there is more I would like to say, but I’ll save it for another day.
Im not sure if I’m not a fan of these suits or the person who’s in them. No hate to Ezra, but none of the suits look right on him.
But if I had to pick. I would say the suit from The Flash movie is the one I least dislike
Jon Cryer definitely nailed the Lex Luthor look. It’s a shame we won’t be getting any more of him.
With prep time, Batman would obviously survive. Come on guys 😅
The Stargirl suit is the most accurate and it’s the one I would’ve liked to see in either Stargirl or The Flash
What’s crazy to me is how we got a Justice League movie before a Batman, Flash, Wonder Woman and Aquaman movie
I thought the DCU would start with Superman: Legacy. How come Blue Beetle is on here?
I barely remember TDK and I’m yet to watch The Batman. However, If I had to vote, I would probably say Christian Bale.
The Knightmare suit is probably the worst Batman suit idea I’ve ever seen in my life — and I can’t believe they actually went with it.
The fact there’s a Captain Atom comic and you bought it is crazy. I feel as if not many people know the guy so they don’t get anything about him
He’s an interesting character who I personally believe is extremely overlooked
I’m hoping we could get a movie or series where Jessica Cruz is the main character given she’s my favorite GL