While I'm not really up to date on comics, I will say that Dan Mora's art in Batman/Superman: World's Finest is fantastic
the green arrow one was solid. moreso than the others that have released like the superman or wonder woman one-shots, i think. i enjoyed how each tale was set in a different decade
if connor hawke was created last year, OP would probably be upset at that too because he's mixed race which obv means that there's a woke agenda at play
^^ this is blatantly wrong and you don't know what you're talking about, stop coping
DC Comics is closing my ass. If I had a dollar for everytime somebody made this unsubstantiated claim...
That's what I'm saying 😏
Cry For Justice and Oliver Queen. Cry For Justice and Roy Harper. The Rise of Arsenal and Roy Harper. Erasing the Green Arrow family from existence for a decade (and there's still no Mia). Roy Harper being wantonly murdered just when he made amends with Ollie. The list of crap DC has piled on Green Arrow and his affiliates over the past 10+ years goes on.
Comme ci, comme ça is a French phrase that's used to express how you're doing. It basically means you're doing so-so. E.g. "How's your day been?" "Comme ci, comme ça."
As for what he was trying to say, I have no idea
@Phantom the skywing That is both misspelled French and incorrect usage of the phrase
Shapeshifting, easily. I have actually dreamed of this superpower
Fra would probably really like The New Frontier
"I stopped ages ago when I was a kid"
Ah, yes... when you were a kid...
@ABF Discord isn't working for me either
In the meantime, though... @Leto2073 Holy shit what an episode. So much happened... it's crazy how they can make twenty minutes of storytelling feel like an hour. Just when you think Isayama has ran out of plot twists, he flips the entire story on its head AGAIN. Two Brothers doesn't dethrone my favorite episode, Midnight Sun (the one where they choose between Armin and Erwin), but this one is top five for sure.
@Sisu Have you been watching Jessica Jones?
@Nygma It's what I read on the Wiki, I don't know how true it is
See what I mean? Lmao
FNAF is so funny lol, I decided to try and get caught up on a few years of lore yesterday and discovered that Purple Guy had gone to Hell, escaped from Hell, and then been reincarnated as a sentient computer virus
Nevermind, all three of those were over twenty issues