Ambush Bug
The multiverse cameos bit was one of the most obnoxious things I have ever seen and it almost ruined the experience for me.
The nipples are the best part honestly
The Gotham Goliath
Phantom Girl
The entirety of Batwoman and Titans.
Ambush Bug
For me it was Swamp Thing vol 2.
Atom, Doll Man, and Shrinking Violet just to name a few.
Happy bifrthday Lag! 🎊🎊🎊
What is a non-design? They look designed to me.
Can someone like, give a warning to the rude and homophobic people please?
Matt Murdock what are you doing, you're in the wrong universe.
World views and values are progressing for the better and you can't stop it.
The Flash movie suit looks so bad in my opinion. The glowing lines are oddly placed and there are too many, the mask shape is really weird, the texture on the suit is all squiggly for some reason, and the boots have too much going on. It's very overdesigned.
I wanna see Bizarro Batman in live-action, but that possibility seems unlikely.
People can still be concerned about the state of a movie even before it releases. We know enough about the plots, characters, and other aspects of the movies to have an opinion. Plus with how disappointing the DCEU has largely been thus far, it's totally fair to be cautious.