If the original Angor were here, I'd probably vote for that.
I think you have to go with the Ultimate Marvel Earth 7, it's the only one that's been developed beyond a single minor character, but I agree with Morrison that it was a missed opportunity to use the Maximums, and what's Hellboy doing there?
Generally, I think The Multiversity gave over too many Earths to analogues of other companies. The limited multiverse might have been more sustainable if there had been more blanks left to fill instead instead of homages I can't really imagine anyone particularly wanting to revisit.
I'd like to see a new L.E.G.I.O.N., even just as supporting characters in Superman or GL books.
Thea Queen is hard to bring into continuity because Oliver wasn't raised with her, and he already has Emiko as his long-lost sister and sidekick.
It's funny and all that Firestorm's stepmom is known to millions as Green Arrow's Oracle and girlfriend, but I never like seeing comic characters warped to match their adaptations.
New 52 Earth 4 gets my vote because Pax Americana was more than just "the Charlton Earth." Those characters could have managed just fine on Earth-One, like the Quality characters on Earth-Two.
If these are the only options, then sure, Zatanna, but I think she's too old for the first group in most continuities. As far as magical Titans go, I'd rather one of the more magic-based revamps of Lilith, or something.
Some version of stories from all of those universes are part of the current main universe's continuity except Earth-X.
They're all pretty weak in terms of appearance. I think J'onn needs effects on the level of MCU Hulk or Snyder Manhattan to get his visual right in live action.
Yeah, they were just both the Flash. Dick and Bruce were in the same situation at around the same time.
Definitely Ralph. I like Rita too, but I'm more used to her power being depicted as size-changing.
@Fanfic Nick It's not quite the same, but I would say Bouncing Boy from the Legion of Super-Heroes is the most notable elastic hero not on your list.
@Roscoe Coaltrane It looks like Barry O'Neill made a couple of appearances in 2016 and 2017.
Nightshade had a couple of back-up features and half a Secret Origins issue, but I think that's it.
The guy in Creature Commandoes is supposed to be Flag Senior, isn't he? Kinnaman-Flag's father.
Was the Flash not a metahuman as far back as Invasion? Part of the original concept was that the metagene was usually activated by some kind of external catalyst, like the Flashes' lightning strike and chemical bath.
Superman, Wonder Woman, the Martian Manhunter... any character whose powers are a natural part of their biology weren't metahumans under the original definition, but yeah, it's been heavily watered down since.
@Fanfic Nick I liked it. I thought it was fun, and not as generic as a lot of superhero movies wind up feeling. I also don't especially care about the unfaithful adaptation of Cassandra Cain, which seems to be the most common complaint about it.
I did think it was oddly similar to Deadpool 2 in some aspects, though.
Young Justice is the only instance I know of where she's part of Dick's generation. When she was introduced, she was somewhere between his age and Bruce's, and she's moved closer to Bruce over time.
I haven't seen them all, but worst to best: Suicide Squad, Justice League, Batman v Superman, Birds of Prey, Wonder Woman, The Suicide Squad.
He was on Community.
I think killing is more transgressive in the DCU than being an asshole or self-interested, but does Mr. Tood still do that? Booster, Guy, and Damian have all been softened a lot since their most "rebellious" phases, too, and Kara and Dinah were just teenaged girls.
I usually just call him Billy Batson, but if I have to differentiate between the personas or something I'd default to Captain Marvel.
The short version is that it's not that simple.
Most characters seem to have most of their pre-Flashpoint histories, but others are still more New 52-y, like the Marvel Family, and a lot of characters have had elements of their backstory from both timelines reaffirmed in modern continuity, with varying levels of effort at reconciling them.
Merging articles, or something similar to the way this wiki handles pre- and post-Crisis characters, might be a more accurate reflection of the current DC universe, but that would be hard to pull off and to get right.