How do you feel about the Pre-Crisis earth-one, earth-two and the DCU in general in the bronze age? Did you like that time period and stories it presented?
How do you feel about the Pre-Crisis earth-one, earth-two and the DCU in general in the bronze age? Did you like that time period and stories it presented?
^ but is it beginner friendly though?
If there are two of the same people from two different universes there in the same room then can that person be called alone?
Yeah, the new 52 batman run was good.
It's been 2 days now, tell us who it is!
Also, the central battery had exploded. There weren't any green lantern around to serve on the team.
^^Everything being canon isn't that bad. It allows writers to have a really big sandbox to play in and choose the best elements of a character from all their past versions. Like if the current world's finest run had just been confined to prime earth continuity's lore then I don't think it would have been as good.
So that's 3 for sandman, 2 for kirby's fourth world and 1 for both.
Sandman wins🎉🎉
^^I technically already have all of them in digital format and I have already read all of them, but I thought owning them as absolute editions won't be so bad.
And no, I don't have the deluxe edition of all-star either, I just checked that online.
Well, that only leaves the option of continuing those titles with sub-par quality untill some writer comes along with an exciting new story. Like I guess, Geoff Johns did with green lantern?
^We haven't officially agreed on that already? I thought we had.
80 years too late for that, fate.
The bonk knows no bounds, fate. It will find you even in Hypertime.
What does that mean? It's been 2 years but every now and then I still come across a term or refrence I don't understand.
You mean Hypertime?
It's an interesting concept, Geoff Johns has done some amazing stuff with it in flashpoint beyond, the amazing thing being that he has somehow made it less convoluted and interesting to read about.
Alright, he says that all characters that ever existed in any continuity are available to them as storytellers but how much of convergence is still canon? Almost all of New 52 had already been retconned by 2020, plus death metal also erased and added many of the stories to the canon.
How can others have hush?
I don't think that convergence made it so that the pre-crisis multiverse survived but just that certain parts of it survived. And those were the domed cities we saw in the event.
Valid point.
Anyone else wants to suggest something?
It sucked! A lot of characters I cared about got ruined and although some did get an upgrade, most of them were quite simply butchered.
I'm so thankful that I wasn't there reading these comics in real time. I can't imagine going through that without ever knowing if things will get better. I'm so thankful for rebirth.