Looks good but it does look like it came out of the Resident Evil franchise.
Did you read the comic? It's on DC Universe Infinite.
Absolute Batman is more of a brawler, he trains like a beast, so he looks like a beast. Unlike his counter-part, he did not have that ninja training from the League of Shadows, or a million different martial arts (from what we've see so far).
He is bigger because his training was focused on power.
Which part is wrong? I know the "always" is an exaggeration, but she did get a brother during that Grail story. To be fair, I don't care for Jason and I don't think he has made too many appearances after that story (if any)
He was in the recent Titans comic so no; I don't think so.
She's always been called a "demi-goddess", being Zeus' daughter made that statement true. She also has a brother (Jason), was he also made of clay? I think Diana being Zeus' daughter is great.
I usually avoid reading comics not in the main Universe but I'm loving what I've seen so far with Absolute Batman which was added recently to DC Universe Infinite. I don't even like Batman but actually enjoyed reading his Absolute comic.
I'm looking forward to seeing what they do with other characters like Hal, or John.
Hal Jordan but then it would be a Quartet, not a Trinity.
I was watching a "novela" out of boredom the other day and saw an actress that would be the perfect Diana. She has the looks and the body for it. Her name is Livia Brito, a Cuban actress, when I saw her, first thing that came to mind is her similarity with Wonder Woman (Diana)
It's more of an Umbrella term like stated above. I have seen the human Green Lanterns be called "meta-humans" despite just being humans with a very strong willpower. Then again, Hal Jordan did manage to manifest a ring out of pure will so he can definitely be considered meta-human at this point.
I'm looking forward to it. One thing I know for sure is that Gunn will do a better job than Snyder building this Universe. Then again, anything could happen. The trailer looked nice.
When it comes to DC animated shows, nothing beats the DCAU, same applies to the characters.
Looks fine to me, it should probably be a lighter blue though.
Not a movie but the penguin show has been surprisingly good, perhaps the best show this year.
It's Ra's Al Ghul but out of those? well, it was Bane who broke the Bat.
Younger, why? we are never told her age but we know Ivy was already working with the Floronic man when "The Gardener" joined the group and she looked up to Ivy in that group (I doubt somebody would look up to somebody younger). Current Ivy does not age (or does so very slowly) so we can't really go by looks. These are all assumptions of course.
How do I know this? I read Batman: Secret Files when I saw Ivy on the cover while scrolling through DC Universe Infinite (paid the membership, might as well use it). I usually don't read Batman comics but I really like Ivy so if I know she is in the story I tend to read it.
My judgement will be highly dependent on how he portrays the Lanterns. So far, I think the casting has been decent all around, Superman, Supergirl, Hawkgirl, etc. have all been casted well. I'm a bit concern about the age of the Lanterns but as long as they are portrayed as Veterans and not rookies then it will be fine.
It was not great but not bad either. Good enough to kill time.
2005-2011 gave us some of the best Lantern stories in DC's history. Geoff Johns managed to turn the Green Lantern lore into something so expansive and good that it could have its own universe. Some of the best written stories were done during those years.
I have not read much (if any) from the "golden", "silver" or "bronze" ages but I do know they have been writing a lot of terrible stories recently and with terrible art on top of it. The times of Geoff Johns writing combined with EVS's art are long gone. I did, however, enjoy Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps story, it was surprisingly good.
He has a gold belt so stealth is not the purpose here, might as well make the bat symbol gold too.
So much for stealth...