DC Database
This category contains articles that are in need of images. Articles that are missing a main image are automatically categorized here. If you feel an article needs more images, please follow the instructions below.

If you are a requester:

Hundreds of new pages are created each month and sometimes editors are unable to find images that relate to these articles. If you find an article that contains no images and could be spruced-up add the "[[Category:Image Needed]]" tag to that page and our editors will find the best (non-copyright infringing) image and upload it to our database for future use.

If you are an editor:

Where possible find hi-resolution images that are not restricted by copyright law and upload them with an appopriate name. When you feel that the article has an appropriate amount of well-place images, remove the "[[Category:Image Needed]]" tag from the offending page.
(see also Naming Conventions)


All items (127)
