DC Database

"Dizzy (Part II of III)": Dizzy's mother, Bonita, enters her bedroom just as Dizzy closes the attaché case. The two begin arguing and Bonita cites that Dizzy needs to find something worth fighting for. Dizzy retorts, stating that everything she ever had is now

Quote1 None of this 'hood belongs to any of us! We all so stupid, we act like it does. The Lords, the Kings -- nothing' separates them 'cept the corners they hang on. And for all that -- land and cribs they don' even own -- they kill one another. The streets ain't ours. Jus' the blood on 'em. That's ours. Quote2
Dizzy Cordova

100 Bullets #2 is an issue of the series 100 Bullets (Volume 1) with a cover date of September, 1999.

Synopsis for "Dizzy (Part II of III)"

Dizzy's mother, Bonita, enters her bedroom just as Dizzy closes the attaché case. The two begin arguing and Bonita cites that Dizzy needs to find something worth fighting for. Dizzy retorts, stating that everything she ever had is now dead. Dizzy leaves, and goes down to the basketball courts to see her brother. She is amazed at how much of an important figure Emilio has become in the street gangs since she has been away.

She then goes down to the park to hang out with her friends, Kimmy, Angie and Droopy. Several police cars speed by them with their lights flashing. One of them stops and warns the girls to stay out of the neighborhood. Dizzy finds Emilio and has him follow the cops. The trail leads to a building filled with police officers and dead gang-bangers. Dizzy sneaks past the police line and identifies one of her brother's friends - Smack. He is lying on the floor with a bullet hole in his forehead. The cops pull her away from the crime scene and drag her outside. Suddenly, she sees the two detectives whom she believes murdered her husband and child. She flies into a fury and lunges at them, but the officers manage to hold her back. They shove her into a squad car and take her to the precinct.

No sooner does the duty officer book her however, than he is instructed to let her go. Confused, Dizzy walks outside and finds Emilio waiting for her. She naturally believes that Emilio bailed her out of prison - a fallacy that Emilio makes no effort to deny. They talk about the recent massacre. Emilio is convinced that the Vice Lords are responsible. Dizzy asks him why he is not retaliating, but Emilio tells her that he has decided to let "Five-Oh" earn their pay. She returns to her room and stares at the gun that Agent Graves gave to her.

Appearing in "Dizzy (Part II of III)"

Featured Characters:

Other Characters:

  • Angie
  • Bonita Cordova (First appearance)
  • Droopy (First appearance)
  • Emilio Cordova
  • Freedy
  • Gutierrez
  • Kimmy (First appearance)
  • Morgan
  • Orlando (First appearance)
  • Smack (Final appearance)
  • Swirski



  • None


See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
