In 1991, DC introduces a dark alternate future: Armageddon 2001, where Hank Hall has become the Monarch. In New Titans, several new characters are introduced - Killowat and the Team Titans - that lead to the introduction the next year of another dark alternate future, ruled by Lord Chaos.
The following creative talent are known to have been born in 1991:
The following creative talent passed away in the year 1991:
- Albrecht Joseph
- Anton Furst
- Don McDougall
- Edmond Good
- Howard Dimsdale
- Jack Lehti
- Joe Letterese
- Mary Partrick
- Murray Golden
- Oscar Rudolph
- Sheldon Mayer
- Victor Kalin
- Vince Colletta
- William Dozier
The following comic titles debuted with a 1991 cover date:
- Angel and the Ape (Volume 2)
- Aquaman (Volume 4)
- Armageddon 2001 (Volume 1)
- Armageddon: The Alien Agenda (Volume 1)
- Batman versus Predator (Volume 1)
- Black Canary (Volume 1)
- Black Hood (Volume 1)
- Challengers of the Unknown (Volume 2)
- Clash (Volume 1)
- Deathstroke the Terminator (Volume 1)
- Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn II (Volume 1)
- Jaguar (Volume 1)
- Justice Society of America (Volume 1)
- Kid Eternity (Volume 2)
- Legend of the Shield (Volume 1)
- Mister E (Volume 1)
- OMAC (Volume 2)
- Outlaws (Volume 1)
- Ragman (Volume 2)
- Robin II (Volume 1)
- Robin (Volume 1)
- Sgt. Rock (Volume 2)
- Superman: The Man of Steel (Volume 1)
- The Brave and the Bold (Volume 2)
- The Comet (Volume 1)
- The Fly (Volume 1)
- The Griffin (Volume 1)
- The Web (Volume 1)
- War of the Gods (Volume 1)
- Who's Who in the Impact Universe (Volume 1)
The following Comic titles were last published with a 1991 cover date:
- Advanced Dungeons and Dragons (Volume 1)
- Angel and the Ape (Volume 2)
- Armageddon 2001 (Volume 1)
- Batman (comic strip) (Volume )
- Captain Atom (Volume 2)
- Challengers of the Unknown (Volume 2)
- Checkmate (Volume 1)
- Clash (Volume 1)
- Dragonlance (Volume 1)
- El Diablo (Volume 1)
- Epicurus the Sage (Volume 1)
- Forgotten Realms (Volume 1)
- Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn II (Volume 1)
- Hawk and Dove (Volume 3)
- Justice Society of America (Volume 1)
- Kid Eternity (Volume 2)
- Lobo (Volume 1)
- Mister E (Volume 1)
- Mister Miracle (Volume 2)
- Nazz (Volume 1)
- New Gods (Volume 3)
- OMAC (Volume 2)
- Robin (Volume 1)
- Spelljammer (Volume 1)
- Tempus Fugitive (Volume 1)
- The Books of Magic (Volume 1)
- The Griffin (Volume 1)
- Twilight (Volume 1)
- War of the Gods (Volume 1)
- World Without End (Volume 1)
The following One Shots were published with a 1991 cover date:
- Batman: Full Circle
- Batman: Holy Terror
- Batman: The Sunday Classics 1943–1946
- Human Target Special #1
- Sandman Special #1
- Superman For Earth #1
- The Flash TV Special #1
- Viking Glory: The Viking Prince
Selected 1991 character debuts. See all.
- Edgar Cizko (New Earth)
- Rory Regan (New Earth)
- Jebediah of Canaan (New Earth)
- Nuala (New Earth)
- Edmund Dorrance (New Earth)
- Lyrl Dox (New Earth)
- Thing-That-Cannot-Die (New Earth)
- Destruction (New Earth)
- Randolph Porter (New Earth)
- Daniel Hall (New Earth)
- Christopher Freeman (New Earth)
- Sebastian Ives (New Earth)
- Jeb Friedman (New Earth)
- Benjamin Lockwood (New Earth)
- Arnold Etchison (New Earth)
- Scapegoat (New Earth)
- Mazikeen (New Earth)
- Brik (New Earth)
- Darius (New Earth)
- Charles Rowland (Vertigo Universe)
- Rosabelle Mendez (New Earth)
- Mary Frazier (New Earth)
- Queen of Hearts I (New Earth)
- Joseph Martin (New Earth)
- Clyde Rawlins (New Earth)
- Lynx (New Earth)
- Joseph Jones (New Earth)
- Tara Markov (Team Titans)
- Ronald Troupe (New Earth)
- Matthew Ryder (New Earth)
- Amon Hakk (New Earth)
- Ig'nea G'odd (New Earth)
- Chantinelle (New Earth)
- Travis Cody (New Earth)
- Birgit Eisenmann (New Earth)
- Jiv Reduu (New Earth)
- Keith Robert White (New Earth)
- Travis O'Connell (New Earth)
- Thesily (New Earth)
- Thessaly (New Earth)
- Mister Z (New Earth)
- Bast (New Earth)
- Buddy Blank (New Earth)
- Curtis Eisenmann (New Earth)
- Elizabeth Alderman (New Earth)
- Susano-o-no-Mikoto (New Earth)
- Ace the Bat-Hound (New Earth)
- Alias the Blur (New Earth)
- Miriam Delgado (Team Titans)
- Bertron Diib (New Earth)
Selected 1991 team debuts. See all.