DC Database

Some time around 2000 BC, a radioactive meteorite fell in what is now Switzerland, and some local tribespeople were exposed to its alien radiance. One chieftan's wife died in childbirth, but bore a son, Loron, who soon exhibited telekinetic super powers, and grew up to become a malicious tyrant, con

Abyssia was an underground kingdom, and the source of Emily "Looker" Briggs' telekinetic super powers.


Some time around 2000 BC, a radioactive meteorite fell in what is now Switzerland, and some local tribespeople were exposed to its alien radiance. One chieftan's wife died in childbirth, but bore a son, Loron, who soon exhibited telekinetic super powers, and grew up to become a malicious tyrant, conquering all the neighboring tribes in his region, before publicly murdering his own father and his advisors. But his enemies were numerous, and ultimately Loron was forced to flee, with his radiant meteorite and as many of his people as he cared to bring along, into a series of tunnels running under the Alps. In a great natural cavern warmed by underground hot springs, he established the kingdom of Abyssia.

This tyrant's dynasty passed along his telekinetic super powers, which waxed in times when Halley's Comet passed near the Earth and waned when it did not. In the early 1980s, when Halley's Comet was approaching Earth, a power struggle within the Abyssian royal family prompted the kidnapping of a surfacewoman, Emily Briggs, who turned out to be a missing member of the royal bloodline. That struggle was resolved by the intervention of Batman and his first team of Outsiders, and amid the complications involved with that, Ms. Briggs developed a set of super powers and a startling new appearance.

Roy Harper Cry for Justice
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  • Dural
  • Durmon
  • Jonelle
  • King Ector
  • Looker
  • Loron
  • Prince Mardo
  • Princess Tamira
  • Tagon


  • The secret entrance to the tunnel that leads to Abyssia is in Switzerland.[1]
  • Abyssian soldiers ride bipedal insectoid mounts, like crickets the size of small motorcycles. Other Abyssian wildlife includes goatlike mammals with batlike heads and ears.

See Also
