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I never got a CHANCE to be like you!
Action Comics #1080 is an issue of the series Action Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of February, 2025. It was published on December 18, 2024.
Synopsis for "Phantoms, Part 11"
The most dangerous escapees from the Phantom Zone, namely the ones with colourful personalities and unique powers or skills, are terrorising alien planets across the galaxy. The Super-Family, backed up by members of Justice League Unlimited, spread out to recapture them using handheld Phantom Zone Projectors. Superman is concerned that Mon-El's phase circuitry could fail any time and suggests that he also return to the Zone, but Mon-El refuses. Meanwhile, Supergirl relocates Kandor to the moon in an attempt to keep it safe and asks the Kandorians for their help in recapturing the Zoners but they refuse. Bry-Zan tells Supergirl that they are not responsible for the Zoners since Superman chose to release them, and threatens to have her exiled from Kandor too. Supergirl leaves to help the others, but warns them that the Zoners will come after them for revenge too if the Super-Family cannot stop them.
On the devastated planet Braal, Superman and Mon-El battle Jax-Ur, the worst prisoner in the zone after Zod. During the fight, Jax-Ur pulls out the containment vessel for the Gold Kryptonite and hurls it at Superman. Mon-El blocks it, unaffected by the Kryptonite, but the isotope hits his phase circuitry. The impact causes it to short out for a moment and he almost dies. Superman sends Jax-Ur back to the Zone and once again tells Mon-El he needs to got back into the Zone, but he once again refuses. He tells Superman that he was meant to be his big brother, but instead became a ghost and never got the chance to be a hero; and refuses to leave until they are done. Mon-El asks how many they have left and Superman says there are still too many Zoners unaccounted for.
On Rann, where the three yellow suns massively boost Kryptonian powers, Xa-Du claws his way out of a dimensional rift and swears revenge on Superman.
Appearing in "Phantoms, Part 11"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Justice League Unlimited
- Aquaman (Arthur Curry)
- Martian Manhunter (J'onn J'onzz) (Cameo) (Impersonates Xa-Du the Phantom King)
- Metamorpho
- Khunds (Behind the scenes)
- Super-Family
- Phantom Zoners
- Az-Rel
- Faora Hu-Ul
- Jax-Ur
- Nadira Va-Dim (First appearance; unnamed)
- Ras-Krom
- Zanchyroia (First appearance)
- Va-Kox (First appearance)
- Va-Kox's sea monsters (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- Grendans (Cameo)
- Kandorians
- Kandorian Science Council
- Bry-Zan
- Kandorian Science Council
- Thanagarians
- Daxamites (Mentioned only)
- Ghosts (Mentioned only)
- Mister Terrific (Michael Holt) (Mentioned only)
- Wilcat (Ted Grant) (Mentioned only)
- General Zod (Mentioned only)
- Earth 0
- Braal (In ruins)
- Earth's Moon
- Grenda
- Lupra
- New Korugar
- New Thanagar (First full appearance)
- Rann
- Krypton (Destroyed) (Mentioned only)
- Unnamed alien world (Mentioned only)
- Unnamed red sun (Mentioned only)
- Sphere of the Gods
- Hell (Mentioned only)
- Underworld
- Phantom Zone (Mentioned only)
- Bottled City of Kandor
- Capture Device
- Gold Kryptonite
- Green Kryptonite
- Mon-El's Phase Circuitry
- Nth Metal
- Ras-Krom's Mecha-Harp (First appearance)
- Khundian warships (Cameo)
- Life Force (Behind the scenes)
- Magic
- Metahumans
- Mutants
Synopsis for "Understanding One"
Prisoner 8912 physically fuses with Supergirl, with Power Girl providing psychic reinforcement from across the galaxy. They fight, and 8912's brother tells her that she will inevitably fail and cannot escape who she is. Supergirl tells 8912 that she is stronger than her brother but she replies that she is him. Supergirl realises that 8912's "brother" is in fact an alternate personality which was able to use her psychic powers to manifest physically. The brother hits them and forcibly splits Supergirl off from her.
Supergirl tells Prisoner 8912 that it is true she can never escape her brother, but he can never escape her either; and if they are truly one person, she can control him. Prisoner 8912 grabs her "brother" and starts forcibly reabsorbing him into her body.
Appearing in "Understanding One"
Featured Characters:
- Supergirl (Kara Zor-El) (Merges with Prisoner 8912)
Supporting Characters:
- Power Girl (Paige Stetler) (In a vision)
- Prisoner 8912 (Unnamed) (Also in a vision)
- Prisoner 8912's brother (Unnamed) (Also in a vision) (Merges with Prisoner 8912)
Other Characters:
- Earth 0
- Unnamed swamp planet
- In the first story, Faora Hu-Ul resembles her original Silver Age incarnation, rather than her appearance in earlier post-Flashpoint stories which was based on Antje Traue's portrayal in Man of Steel. Her personality also appears to have reverted to her Pre-Crisis characterisation as a crazed misandrist serial killer. This is likely a result of the "unknotting" of the timeline during the last Metal War.
See Also