DC Database

"Superman: "Substitute Superman!"": The leper, Superman, and his flying coffin rocket toward his cremation; but he found himself shielded from Flammbron's intense flames by beings who called themselves the Flammbronians -- creatures of living flame who su

Quote1 Unbelievable! You'd think they show more respect for me! After all, I'm supposed to be a hero who died in the line of duty! Quote2

Action Comics #366 is an issue of the series Action Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of August, 1968.

Synopsis for Superman: "Substitute Superman!"

The leper, Superman, and his flying coffin rocket toward his cremation; but he found himself shielded from Flammbron's intense flames by beings who called themselves the Flammbronians -- creatures of living flame who survived on the star's nucleonic surface. Superman had saved the life of a flame-breather related to their race, years ago as Superboy.[1]

Transported to a crystaline planetoid, Superman discovers that he had been cured of Virus X by White Kryptonite, since the Virus was a plant-based form of life. White Kryptonite meteors had been thrown at his passing craft by the Bizarros in their backwards attempt to kill Superman.

Superman returns to Earth only to discover that Supergirl and five substitute Supermen were pinch-hitting for him, and the world believes that he had already returned alive! The substitutes are really five Justice Leaguers in disguise, who filled in for him while the Kandorians chose a successor. Superman thanked his cousin and his fellows for their vigilance, but the original had returned.

Appearing in Superman: "Substitute Superman!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




  • Hydrofoil Aircraft Carrier
  • M.P.D. Helicopter
  • Radiation Transport Beam

Synopsis for Supergirl: "Stanhope... Off Limits!"

Two alien female terrorists, Alpha and Beta, construct a force-barrier around Stanhope College to imprison the faculty and students (including a Linda Danvers robot) within. Supergirl is more powerful than the twosome, but they warn her that any use of her powers against the barrier, even super-vision, will trigger a bomb which will blow Stanhope to bits. However, Alpha and Beta are free to enter and seek a student named David Carew, who flees with them. Supergirl decides that the crisis warrants her opening a special box which, she thinks, will "change my life...drastically".

Appearing in Supergirl: "Stanhope... Off Limits!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • David Carew


  • Alpha-Zin (Single appearance)
  • Beta-Zin (Single appearance)

Other Characters:





  • In "Substitute Supermen", the Flammbronians refer to Superboy long ago saving a fire-being that was distantly related to them. It was a flashback to Superboy #115.
  • The Supergirl story "Stanhope... Off Limits!" continues in next issue.

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
