I've always maintained that Superman was overrated... Now I'll prove it to the leaders of humanity! --As I'll prove it's useless for them to resist the establishment of Grodd's gorilla empire!
Action Comics #424 is an issue of the series Action Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of June, 1973.
Synopsis for "Gorilla Grodd's Grandstand Play!"
Gorilla Grodd escapes his prison in Gorilla City and destroys the force-field that hides the city from humans. Solovar, the gorilla chieftain decides to focus his efforts on the bigger problem of Gorilla City's exposure instead of pursuing Grodd. Later in Manhattan, Lois Lane and Clark Kent are sent to cover the breaking news of Solovar appearing before the United Nations assembly. The world's representatives are uneasy and apprehensive at the appearance of a gorilla before the UN. Solovar reports to diplomats that the Congo and the Sudan have claimed that Gorilla City is within their borders, and he request protection from the United Nations. As Solovar is speaking, Grodd materialized outside the United Nations building and begins to cause an earthquake by pounding the ground in the United Nations Plaza. Inside, the assembly evacuates. Lois rushes outside to cover the story. As soon as she walks out the door, Clark knocks over the doorjam trapping him inside. Clark uses the cover of being trapped in the building to change into Superman.
As the UN Plaza is filled with bystanders and spectators, Superman flies directly at Grodd, laying his shoulder into Grodd's chest, but Grodd is unmoved and unfazed. A fight ensues where Grodd always appears stronger than Superman. Superman is confused as to why he feels as if some force is holding him back from fighting his best. In his confusion, Grodd overpowers Superman and hurls him to the ground in front of the onlookers.
"This is how I deal with earth's greatest hero...and how I will deal with all humans who oppose Grodd's Gorilla Empire!"
As a doctor on the scene examines the lifeless body of Superman, he finds a faint and diminishing heartbeat. As Superman's body is loaded into an ambulance in front of Lois Lane, there is little hope for his survival.
Grodd demands the surrender of all humans. An enraged Solovar rushes in to stop Grodd. "You have never withstood the mind-force power of Solovar...and you will not today, Grodd!" A frightened Grodd is easily over powered and knocked unconscious by Solovar.
The UN representatives rejoice and praise the exploits of Solovar to defend world peace. Lois is distraught by their joy as she is still overwhelmed by the mortal condition of Superman. Clark arrives from the crumbled build just in time to comfort her. "Oh Clark--thank goodness at least you are alright! I...I've always felt close to you, Clark--Hold me now...There were so many times I suspected you were Superman...because I hoped it was true...but now that he's gone--Oh, Clark!" Clark, seemingly slightly embarrassed by Lois' public display of affection, reminds Lois that they've got a job to do as reporters. Lois quickly composes herself as Solovar asks to give a message to the world through her news medium. As Solovar pledges his resources to provide a proper funeral for Superman, Superman appears and knocks out Solovar.
The confused UN delegates demand an explanation for Superman's attack on the peace-minded Solovar. Superman reveals that he knew Grodd's mental powers were holding him back in the fight so he pretended to be knocked out to give him time to figure out a solution. But when Solovar stepped in and defeated Grodd with no resistance, he concluded that Grodd had taken over Solovar's body. Superman takes Grodd and Solovar, both still unconscious, back to Gorilla City to return their minds to their proper place. Once recovered, Solovar confirms Superman's theory explaining that Grodd initially overpowered Solovar while he was distracted by Gorilla City being exposed, and Grodd was still controlling Solovar even when his mind was in Grodd's body. Grodd's goal was to appear as a superhero to eventually take over the world legally.
Once the news broadcast comes to a close, Clark confronts Lois to see if she really meant all those things she said when she thought Superman was dead. Lois responds, "Look, Clark--We're friends! Just friends! There can be only one man in my life, understand?" Clark leaves the room in a silent sadness. As he closes the door and walks away he can't help himself from laughing out loud.
Appearing in "Gorilla Grodd's Grandstand Play!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
Synopsis for "The Candy Kitchen Caper!"
After failing to stop two jewel thieves, Green Arrow changes into his Oliver Queen identity, goes by Ye Olde Candy House on an impulse, tries some of confectioner Evelyn Woodhouse's fudge, and is quite pleased. On the spot, he tells Woodhouse that he will get her great publicity, and more customers, within a week...and he does, using all his P.R. skills. Unbeknownst to either Ollie or Evelyn, the two jewel thieves are using the shop as a front for their diamond-stealing operation, and are encasing the gems in fudge and smuggling them out. When the gem fence demands of Ollie that his picture not be taken, the suspicious Queen changes into Green Arrow and nabs the fence and the two jewel thieves. The candy shop is closed, but Green Arrow tells Evelyn she can start her own shop, and gives her the reward money from the captured thieves to do it.
Appearing in "The Candy Kitchen Caper!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Jack (Single appearance)
- Artie (Single appearance)
Other Characters:
- Evelyn Woodhouse (Single appearance)
- Reprinted in The Best of DC #54