DC Database

"Sleep No More!": The people of the world have not slept for five days thanks to the effects on plants of the influx of red solar radiation, and Superman tells Amazo he will find a way to return him to dormancy.

Quote1 Batman... Wonder Woman... Flash... All the others... Gone... Lost forever! You've robbed me of my closest friends-- Robbed the world of its greatest heroes! You... murderer! I'll make you pay for that! Quote2

Action Comics #483 is an issue of the series Action Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of May, 1978.

Synopsis for "Sleep No More!"

The people of the world have not slept for five days thanks to the effects on plants of the influx of red solar radiation, and Superman tells Amazo he will find a way to return him to dormancy.

Appearing in "Sleep No More!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


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See Also

Links and References
