DC Database

"Lois Lane, Back at the Planet - Part 2": Superman helps Superboy practice with his telescopic vision by taking him high into the sky and getting him to focus until Superboy is able to catch a glimpse of a space station. Once the lesson ends, father and son race home, with Superboy arriving firs

Quote1 Lois asked for help. It may seem weird... even creepy... but I think we need to honor her request. Quote2
Lois Lane-Kent

Action Comics #966 is an issue of the series Action Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of December, 2016. It was published on October 26, 2016.

Synopsis for "Lois Lane, Back at the Planet - Part 2"

Superman helps Superboy practice with his telescopic vision by taking him high into the sky and getting him to focus until Superboy is able to catch a glimpse of a space station. Once the lesson ends, father and son race home, with Superboy arriving first and surprising his father with how fast he has become. They find out that Lois hasn't arrived home yet and Superboy asks what is holding her. Superman explains to his son that Lois has decided to return to the Daily Planet. Superboy isn't sure if that's a good idea, but Superman assures him that Lois' job allows her to help people, just like superheroes do.

Meanwhile in Metropolis, Lois is cornered by Superwoman, who demands to know who Lois is. Lois attempts to calm Superwoman down, while secretly using her phone to call home. Superboy answers the call, deduces Lois is in danger and warns his father. Superman tells his son to stay home while he goes to Metropolis to save Lois. In just a few moments, Superman arrives at the apartment and stands between Lois and Superwoman, who reveals herself to be the Lana Lang of Prime Earth.

Having previously talked to the Superman of New Earth just after the Superman of Prime Earth died, Lana explains that she and her Lois obtained superpowers when the younger Superman's body disintegrated and the two women were caught by residual blasts of his solar flare. Lois remembers her counterpart sent her the password to her computer, so she quickly accesses to the computer and finds a message left by the younger Lois. In the message, the younger Lois informs her New Earth counterpart that the powers she got after her Superman's death are slowly killing her, so she asks her take her place so that her friends and family do not notice her mysterious disappearance and can be spared the grief of her upcoming death.

After the message ends, Lana explains that the younger Lois' new powers indeed killed her. Superman, Lois and Lana try to think about what should they do next. Lois decides to honor her alternate self's request and Lana asks about the human Clark, wondering if he is the younger Superman and mysteriously came back to life. Superman replies he already checked the other Clark's history and whoever he is, he is not the Superman of Prime Earth. Even so, he promises to keep watching him.

Clark and Lois return home, and Jon explains to his mother that he is okay with her new work. Once Jon goes to his bedroom, Clark agrees to support Lois' choice to return to the Daily Planet. The days pass and Lois is able to get acquainted to the other Lois' job and even agrees to do the interview with Luthor on her own terms. Luthor, impressed by Lois' energy, accepts.

Meanwhile, outside the city, the mystery man who observed Luthor's press conference reveals himself to be an alien and summons his partner Zade. Having studied their enemy's ways, the two aliens decide to destroy a criminal who will cause disaster in the future.

Appearing in "Lois Lane, Back at the Planet - Part 2"

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