DC Database

"The Oz Effect, Part Three": Two of Oz's henchmen, J.B. and Janet, prepare for the next step of Oz's plan. They want to end the lies and the fake news the corporations feed the common people with. As Janet returns to their home, J.B. goes to the Daily Planet, armed with an explosive vest and

Quote1 Events in Logamba are proceeding even faster than your agents predicted, sir. Quote2

Action Comics #989 is an issue of the series Action Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of December, 2017. It was published on October 11, 2017.

Synopsis for "The Oz Effect, Part Three"

Two of Oz's henchmen, J.B. and Janet, prepare for the next step of Oz's plan. They want to end the lies and the fake news the corporations feed the common people with. As Janet returns to their home, J.B. goes to the Daily Planet, armed with an explosive vest and a gun, and takes the Daily Planet crew hostage.

At the Fortress of Solitude, Jor-El asks his son to come with him and abandon Earth, believing humans to be beyond salvation. Superman refuses to give up on hope, but Jor-El shows him multiple images of humans committing crimes against one another. Horrified yet resolute, Superman goes out to help as much as he can, much to Jor-El's displeasure.

At the Daily Planet, Lois attempts to calm J.B. down, saying that whatever problems he has with the Daily Planet, they can fix them together. Unfortunately, J.B. is not convinced and, to make matters worse, Steve Lombard attempts to disarm him. J.B. proves faster and shoots Steve on the shoulder. Lois, remembering that she can use a keyboard to send a message to Superman, offers to write any story J.B. and upload it to the Daily Planet's website, but first, J.B. must let the other employees go. J.B. agrees.

Meanwhile, on a foreign country enduring civil war, a general has received orders from the country's monarch to use chemical weapons against the rebels. Fortunately, Superman arrives and attempts to destroy the missiles as quickly as possible.

The Daily Planet employees have been evacuated from the building while Lois writes the story J.B. instructed her to do. Just as J.B. takes off his eyes from her, Lois uses her computer to send a message to Superman, but J.B. grows desperate and activates his vest, attempting to buy enough time for his partner Janet. Suddenly, a flying man arrives at the Daily Planet and throws J.B. into the open sky, saving Lois, who realizes the flying man is actually Superman's father, Jor-El.

Superboy attempts to gain entry back into the Daily Planet while Superman disarms the missiles targeting the rebels. Although Superman succeeds in throwing the last missile into outer space, the rebels had already stolen chemical weapons from the government and fire a chemical missile of their own.

Despite his disillusion towards humanity, Jor-El is proud that his son is married to a smart and admirable woman. Jor-El notices someone else nearby, so he flies to the rooftop on the Daily Planet and finds his grandson Superboy. To reassure Superboy of his identity, Jor-El gives him a crystal that can show Superboy his own future.

Meanwhile, Janet returns home and receives news of J.B.'s failure. Disappointed, Janet moves into the next step of Oz's plan and activates a large Sunstone-powered device.

Jor-El brings Superboy into the Fortress of Solitude, where he explains the boy that he has created a world where superhumans don't have to hide behind masks or secret identities. A place where everyone can be truthful and honest without fear. That world is called Bliss and Superboy can go there if he wants to.

Appearing in "The Oz Effect, Part Three"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Logamban Government (First appearance)
    • Logamban Army (First full appearance)
  • Logamban rebels (Cameo)
  • Mister Oz (Jor-El) (Also as a statue)
    • The Anointed Ones (Unnamed)
      • Miss Janet (First appearance)
      • J.B. (Single appearance; dies)
    • Kelex

Other Characters:



  • Kryptonian Crystals
  • Mister Oz's Staff


  • Logamba Civil War

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
