DC Database

In 1940, King Adolfus made the disastrous mistake of invading a neighboring European nation. Adolfuss was immediately invaded by a foreign super hero, Master Man, who handily defeated all of the Adolfusstan armed forces, that same day. Adolfus himself, however, was a super

Quote1 King Adolfus, eh? I'll take care of him later. Right now --- I'm going to rebuild this village. Quote2
Master Mansrc

Until the early 1940s, Adolfuss was an autocracy in Central Europe.


In 1940, King Adolfus made the disastrous mistake of invading a neighboring European nation. Adolfuss was immediately invaded by a foreign super hero, Master Man, who handily defeated all of the Adolfusstan armed forces, that same day. Adolfus himself, however, was a superhuman battler, and he duked it out with Master Man for three full hours. Finally beaten, Adolfuss called off his war, and was exiled for all time.

Adolfuss no longer exists as an independent nation.


  • King Adolfus
  • Adolfusstan soldiers
  • Adolfusstan civilians

See Also
