DC Database

"Superboy: "The Origin of the Superman-Batman Team!"": Superboy uses his time-viewer to see himself as Superman accompanying Batman on a future crook-catching operation, after which the two heroes resume their Clark Kent a

Quote1 I had planned to tell Lana your identity... But now I don't even want to know it myself! At present I'm too young to be trusted with your secret! Quote2
Young Bruce Wayne, realizing he does not want to know Superboy is secretly Clark Kent

Adventure Comics #275 is an issue of the series Adventure Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of August, 1960.

Synopsis for Superboy: "The Origin of the Superman-Batman Team!"

Superboy uses his time-viewer to see himself as Superman accompanying Batman on a future crook-catching operation, after which the two heroes resume their Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne identities. Later, Bruce Wayne moves to Smallville, and, with some prodding from Lana Lang, briefly assumes the identity of the Flying Fox and becomes a partner to Superboy. Lana challenges Bruce to discover Superboy's true identity in exchange for a date to junior prom. He does, but he confesses it to Superboy without telling Lana and, feeling he is too young to be trusted with the secret, has Superboy hypnotically remove the knowledge from his mind. Later, Bruce and his parents leave Smallville to return to Gotham City.

Appearing in Superboy: "The Origin of the Superman-Batman Team!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Crooks

Other Characters:



Synopsis for Congo Bill: "Champion of the World!"

Appearing in Congo Bill: "Champion of the World!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • "Puffy" Morgan (Single appearance)
  • Hurricane Jones (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Kid Grey (Single appearance)
  • Bess Grey (Single appearance)



Synopsis for Aquaman: "The Interplanetary Mission!"

After saving a bunch of caged animals being shipped to a zoo, Aquaman and Aqualad are visited by an alien space ship. The aliens on board explain that they have traveled to Earth to seek Aquaman's help. They explain that years ago they had shot a satellite in to space that would help terraform their desert regions into land in which they can grow food. However, the satellite was pulled back into their planets orbit and it sank to the deepest regions of one of their oceans. Boarding the ship, they are told that the speed of travel would knock them out.

Regaining consciousness on the alien world, Aquaman and Aqualad begin their mission and find themselves attacked by a giant crab-like creature. Finding the satellite (which looks more like a meteor) they get it tethered back up to the surface. There Aquaman suddenly attacks the aliens, and soon reveals them to be nothing but crooks in disguise. Aquaman reveals to Aqualad that the whole thing was an elaborate hoax using special effects and a mechanical crab-monster, that was devised in order to trick Aquaman into getting what the crooks sought. Aquaman cracks open the meteor revealing that there is Green Kryptonite inside, which the crooks planned to use against Superman. With the crooks defeated, Aquaman throws the Kryptonite overboard once more.

Appearing in Aquaman: "The Interplanetary Mission!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Crooks



See Also

Links and References
