Adventure Comics (Volume 2) #4 is an issue of the series Adventure Comics (Volume 2) with a cover date of January, 2010. It was published on November 18, 2009.
Synopsis for Superboy-Prime: "He Primed Me, Part One: Spoiler Alert"
Clark Kent of Earth-Prime is still reading comics in his basement, trying to keep up with everything in the other worlds. He is just starting on Adventure Comics (Volume 2) #4.
Elsewhere, Alex Luthor is resurrected along with the rest of the JLA's morgue as a Black Lantern. Instead of following Firestorm, he gathers a number of Black Lantern Rings and disappears.
In the 31st century of Earth-Prime, Brainiac 5 rails against the government having blocked the Legion's attempts to excavate old San Diego. Pointing to a recently found copy of Final Crisis: Legion of 3 Worlds #4, he notes that they may have been able to save Element Lad and Sun Boy who died during that event. He is interrupted by an alarm going off. The alarm is tied to Superboy-Prime leaving his parent's house in the 21st century.
Having reached the end of the issue of Adventure Comics, Superboy-Prime panics. He forces his parents to drive him to the local comic book store. On the way, Naomi Kent tells him that she is afraid of him. Once at the store, he demands a copy of Adventure Comics (Volume 2) #5. The clerk points out that issue 4 just came out, but point Prime to the store's computer and the Internet where he might find some spoilers. As he starts looking, Luthor appears and kills the other occupants of the store. During their confrontation, he restores Prime's armor and his powers to enhance his rage.
Luthor continues to goad Prime as they fight, attacking his parents and telling him that he is nothing more than a cosmic inside joke. Prime is assaulted with Kryptonite and red solar radiation as the other Luthor gathered with the rings join the attack.
Appearing in Superboy-Prime: "He Primed Me, Part One: Spoiler Alert"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Black Lantern Corps
- Alex Luthor
- Ballistic (Cameo)
- Brainwave (Cameo)
- Breach (Cameo)
- Bushido (Cameo)
- Charaxes (Cameo)
- Doctor Light (Cameo)
- Element Lad (Cameo)
- Firestorm
- Geist (Cameo)
- Killer Frost (Cameo)
- Maxwell Lord (Cameo)
- Major Disaster (Cameo)
- Nightblade (Cameo)
- Psycho-Pirate (Cameo)
- Razorsharp (Cameo)
- Sun Boy (Cameo)
Other Characters:
- Legion of Super-Heroes
- Brainiac 5
- Chameleon Boy
- Light Lass
- Lightning Lad (Cameo)
- Ultra Boy (Cameo)
- Superman of Earth-Two (Cameo) (Flashback only)
- Lois Lane of Earth-Two (Cameo) (Flashback only)
- Batman (Cameo) (Flashback only)
- Robin (Cameo) (Flashback only)
- Superman (Cameo) (Flashback only)
- Doomsday (Cameo) (Flashback only)
- Bane (Cameo) (Flashback only)
- Parallax (Cameo) (Flashback only)
- Wonder Woman (Diana) (Cameo) (Flashback only)
- Wonder Woman (Artemis) (Cameo) (Flashback only)
- Flash (Cameo) (Flashback only)
- Captain Boomerang (Cameo) (Flashback only)
- Negative Man (Cameo) (Flashback only)
- Superboy (Cameo) (Flashback only)
- Joker (Cameo) (Flashback only)
- Lex Luthor (Cameo) (Flashback only)
- Laurie Lemmon (In a photograph only)
Synopsis for Legion of Super-Heroes: "Long Live the Legion, Part Four: Star Crossed"
Poisoned by Mordru, Blok visits his girlfriend, Mysa Nal, who has absorbed Mordru's powers and become the Black Witch. Mysa heals Blok, and he vows to stay by her side as she attempts to use her dark magic for good.
Appearing in Legion of Super-Heroes: "Long Live the Legion, Part Four: Star Crossed"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Mysa Nal (First appearance as Black Witch)
- Mordru (Behind the scenes)
Other Characters:
- Alan Scott (frozen in stone)
- Blue Devil (frozen in stone)
- Kid Devil (frozen in stone)
- Raven (frozen in stone)
- Torquemada (frozen in stone)
- Zatanna (frozen in stone)
- This issue is #507 under the Volume 1 numbering.
- "He Primed Me, Part One: Spoiler Alert" is reprinted in Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps.
See Also