DC Database

Quote1 Rings make lousy midwives. Quote2
Ahtier src

Ahtier was a member of the Green Lantern Corps from planet Glazzonio in Sector 83.

She was present during Emerald Dawn to help fight off Legion's attack on Oa.[1] Later, while pregnant, she was fatally injured by a massive explosion involving yellow shrapnel. Wounded, about to die and about to give birth, she requested that her power ring find a suitable mother for her child before she perished. Instead, the ring searched for a replacement Lantern as was its prerogative. It found Bruun, a native of Zymia who viewed the Glazzonions as a foolish and inferior scourge upon her people for the violence they caused. Disgusted by the woman dying in front of her, believing Ahtier had been responsible for the death of her mate, Bruun refused to take the child. When the ring showed her the history of the entire Green Lantern Corps and what it meant to be a Green Lantern such as Ahtier had been, Bruun reconsidered her position and adopted the child as its mother lay dead.[2]

Ahtier was laid to rest in the Crypts of the Green Lantern Corps along with all of the other fallen Lanterns.[3] During Blackest Night, she appears resurrected as a member of the new Black Lantern Corps.[4]






Green Lantern Corps 001
DC Bullet 2024

Green Lantern Corps member
This character is or was a member of the Green Lantern Corps, chosen by the Guardians of the Universe to act as their sector's Green Lantern and to protect it from interstellar threats with a Power Ring.
This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Green Lantern Corps members category."

Black Hand 008
DC Bullet 2024

Black Lantern Corps member
This character is or was a member of the Black Lantern Corps. Those who have died may wield the Black Power Ring, symbolizing their lack of both life and emotion.
This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Black Lantern Corps members category."
