DC Database

"No Future in England's Dreaming": Cursitor Doom laid in a coma in a prison bed. Earlier, a young man named Danny had went to Charlie Love Antiques and bought the comic The Incredible Adventures of Janus Stark. He returned to his home and turned on the television to see a news report about Gymle

Albion #1 is an issue of the series Albion (Volume 1) with a cover date of August, 2005. It was published on June 29, 2005.

Synopsis for "No Future in England's Dreaming"

Cursitor Doom laid in a coma in a prison bed. Earlier, a young man named Danny had went to Charlie Love Antiques and bought the comic The Incredible Adventures of Janus Stark. He returned to his home and turned on the television to see a news report about Gymleigh Gartside Fiendstein being arrested. At a prison, Fred Akely was serving food to prisoners, as Louis Crandell and Tim Kelly became suspicious of the other prisoners, before Lazlo Gorga bitten the ear of the Spellbinder. Meanwhile, Penny Dolmann and Danny had witnessed Fiendstein's arrest at the hands of the police, before they rushed away to Penny's home. Penny showed Danny a video that implied that the comic book character known as the Cloak was a real person. Then, Penny took Danny to visit her friends in Manchester, who included Robot Archie.

Appearing in "No Future in England's Dreaming"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Cursitor Doom


Other Characters:





  • This issue is reprinted in the Albion trade paperback.

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References

Superboy Vol 4 69
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