DC Database

Babyface is a dangerous mob boss. He's got the body of a grown man but the face of a baby.

Babyface first appeared stealing from a candy factory with his crew. As they were finishing up, both Plastic Man and Elongated Man showed up to stop him. While the duo of stretchy superheroes did stop Babyface's crew, the infant headed crime lord managed to push the two into a taffy machine as they were bickering over which of the two Batman preferred to work with. Babyface would have gotten away, had Batman not stopped him with one of his iconic punches.

Roy Harper Cry for Justice
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  • Alfonse is known as Fonzie.



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This character, team or organization, has been primarily an enemy of the Batman, or the Batman Family as a whole. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Batman Villains."
