DC Database

Quote1 He lives! Master! He lives! Quote2
Alfredo src

Alfredo is the hunchback manservant to wealthy scientist Bruce Wayne, residing in Ingolstadt during the early 19th Century.

He takes care of the Bat-Hound and other duties around Wayne's castle. Bruce Wayne values Alfredo as a loyal companion but is prone to yelling at him out of frustration when things go wrong. Alfredo assisted Bruce in stealing the preserved brain of his father Thomas Wayne from the local university. He also acted as Bruce's lab assistant while resurrecting Thomas. Unfortunately the resurrected Thomas Wayne seemed mindless, so they merged him with the biological energy of a bat to restore his vitality. Thomas escaped shortly after and terrorized the town. Alfredo used the Bat-Hound to track down Thomas, but he was eventually kidnapped by Bruce's enemies Doctor Seltsam and Mr. Van Klooster. Seltsam intended to perform deadly experiments on Alfredo and the Bat-Hound, but Bruce Wayne arrived with the Bat-Man and rescued them in time.[1]


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