This paperback follows All-New Batman: The Brave and the Bold - Help Wanted (Collected) as the third and last collection of comic books from the comic book series All-New Batman: The Brave and the Bold, which was based on the animated TV series Batman: The Brave and the Bold. Originally these four comic books were published from January to April, 2012. The stories were written by Sholly Fisch and illustrated by Rick Burchett and Stewart McKenny. In these stories Batman teams up with Nightwing and all Robins, Ragman, Mister Miracle and Batgirl.
The paperback also collects two stories from the comic book series Batman: The Brave and the Bold from May and July, 2010. The stories were written by Sholly Fisch and illustrated by Robert Pope.
This paperback collects the following comic books:
- All-New Batman: The Brave and the Bold #13 (Batman Dies at Dawn!)
- All-New Batman: The Brave and the Bold #14 (Small Miracles)
- All-New Batman: The Brave and the Bold #15 (No Exit)
- All-New Batman: The Brave and the Bold #16 (Love at First Mite)
- Batman: The Brave and the Bold #15 (Minute Mystery)
- Batman: The Brave and the Bold #17 (A Batman's Work is Never Done)
- Other Collections from All-New Batman: The Brave and the Bold (Volume 1)
- The Brave and the Bold
- All-New Batman: The Brave and the Bold (Volume 1)