All-Star Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of February, 1950.
Synopsis for Justice Society of America: "Invaders from the World Below!"
A natural geyser and a bottomless lake suddenly explode and drain respectively, endangering numerous lives. Fortunately members of the Justice Society are on hand at both sites and hurry to the rescue. Afterward, they retreat to the headquarters of a secret government project to build a 50-mile-long pipe into the ground to tap geothermal power. The JSA members were on hand at those sites as the government anticipated disruptions based on their digging. What worries the head of the project is a man, Charles Crillion, predicted these disruptions, despite the project being top secret. They investigate Crillion, who claims a race of people made of diamond live underground and cause geological events, and after he's kidnapped they find his notes, confirming to the heroes that they need to intervene at once.
Flash, Wonder Woman and Black Canary are on hand when a volcano suddenly erupts in the middle of Civic City and put it out with fire hydrants, only for a group of diamond-people to emerge from the crater and blind the heroes with light refracted from their bodies. The diamond people do nothing to stop the heroic trio from stumbling to the cone of the volcano and falling into the magma.
Meanwhile, a glacier pushes itself out of the ground from the bottom of the empty lake. Atom and Green Lantern manage to divert it into a riverbed, only for more diamond men to show up and blind the two. The pair of heroes stumble off a cliff.
Lastly, diamond men emerge at where the pipe's being dug. The workers summon military guards, but their guns are useless against targets made of solid diamond. Hawkman and Dr. Mid-Nite fight back and are blinded by the diamond men's gem beams, but Hawkman's saved from flying straight into high tension wires by his teammate, whose eyes were shielded by his dark goggles.
They find the rest of the Justice Society waitting for them at HQ, the other heroes having saved themselves from their fatal plunges. A strange figure enters the room: a diamond man, but it's actually Charles Crillion changed into living diamond by the other diamond people out of respect for his intelligence. When the Flash turns on a loud news broadcast about the diamond men building a castle in the middle of town, Crillion's body starts to vibrate painfully. This finally gives the heroes a break: the diamond men are vulnerable to sonic vibrations. The JSA destroy the diamond men by ringing giant bells, and a "radiation treatment" is found that changes Crillion back to normal.
Appearing in Justice Society of America: "Invaders from the World Below!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Charles Crillon
- Diamond People
- Aklin
- Aknon
- Eskar
- Exnam
- Illmra
- Obron
- Ognir
Other Characters:
- Dr. Craig
- Ed
- General Lucius W. Gordon
- Earth-Two
- Civic City
- Bottomless Lake, Civic Park
- City Hall
- Crillon Club
- Eighth Area Command Post
- JSA Headquarters
- National Academy of Science
- Old Reliable Geyser
- Operation Volcano
- World's Fair Grounds
- Civic City
- Doctor Mid-Nite's Blackout Bomb
- Doctor Mid'Nite's Infra-red goggles
- Green Flame of Life
- Green Lantern Ring
- Hawkman's Nth Metal Wings
- Wonder Woman's Bracelets of Submission
- Wonder Woman's Lasso of Truth
- Wonder Woman's Tiara
Synopsis for "The Ice Queen"
Appearing in "The Ice Queen"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Reprinted in All-Star Comics Archives Vol. 11.
See Also