DC Database

The Allens are a family which have produced a number of speedsters, most notably the second Flash, Barry Allen. The family is also closely linked with two other speedsters families, the Wests and Thawnes.

Family Tree

 Ira West---Nadine West    Eric Russell---Fran Russell    Henry Allen---Nora Allen
          |                             |                             |
     +-------------+---(adopted)--- Iris West           +-----------------------------+
     |             |                    |               |                             |
Charlotte West Rudy West                |          Barry Allen                   Malcolm Thawne
               =Mary West               +---------------+             +-(descendents)-+
                   |                            |                     |               |
               Wally West               +---------------+       Eobard Thawne   President Thawne
              =Linda Park               |               |                             |
                   |                 Dawn Allen       Don Allen                  Meloni Thawne   Digger Harkness
            +-----------+          =Jeven Ognats       |                           |    |              |
            |           |              |               +---------------------------+    +--------------+
        Jai West    Iris West       Jenni Ognats                     |                           |
                                                                Bart Allen                  Owen Mercer  
                                                             Thaddeus Thawne