DC Database

"D-Day for Degaton": As the Congressional hearing on the Justice Society comes to a close, Dick Grayson begins to deduce the truth behind the Batman diaries, just as Per Degaton emerges to play his masterstroke.

Quote1 I won't go back to prison -- not at my age ... Quote2
Per Degaton

America vs. the Justice Society #4 is an issue of the series America vs. the Justice Society (Volume 1) with a cover date of April, 1985. It was published on January 24, 1985.

Synopsis for "D-Day for Degaton"

As the Congressional hearing on the Justice Society comes to a close, Dick Grayson begins to deduce the truth behind the Batman diaries, just as Per Degaton emerges to play his masterstroke.

Appearing in "D-Day for Degaton"

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See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
