The Frontier was a time period in Colonial and early American history when civilization was confined to the eastern seaboard of North America, and first being extended into the continent's eastern forests. This was an era of dangerous lawlessness in the wilderness and among the settlements, and the heroes and villains who arose in this time would pass into legend.
The sparsely-settled western edges of the North American British Colonies were a dark and dangerous region, where the "New World" was settled by heretics, and an infant nation was founded by dissidents. The indigenous people were no less wild than the newcomers, and both sides intermittently fought amongst themselves and against each other, where Hurons fought the Iroquois while the French fought the British. This was the scene of the French and Indian Wars, the American Revolution, and the War of 1812.
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- Exploits of Daniel Boone (Volume 1)
- Frontier Fighters (Volume 1)
- The Legends of Daniel Boone (Volume 1)
- Star-Spangled Comics (Volume 1)
- Tomahawk (Volume 1)
- World's Finest (Volume 1)
- The Wilderness Frontier era in U.S. history spanned the late 18th and early 19th centuries.