DC Database

Andre was a fighter pilot in the Blackhawk Squadron.

A true ladies' man and soldier of fortune, the dapper Frenchman Andre was a leader in the French underground, during World War II, and was a linguist par excellence. Even after joining the Blackhawks, Andre was known for his military planning skills, and he worked alongside Blackhawk, preparing their daring raids.

Over the following two decades, along with the Blackhawks, Andre battled a wide variety of Nazi masterminds, Communist warlords, international terrorists, renegade scientists, and other evil menaces.

In the late 1960s, when the team tried its short-lived experiment with "secret identities," Andre revealed a previously unheralded talent for engineering all things mechanical, and became "M'sieu Machine".[2]

In the last days of the Blackhawks' operations Andre was apparently running a plush Paris supper club.[3]



  • According to the G.E.O.R.G.E. intelligence agency, and as confirmed by Andre, he was secretly afraid of girls.[6]



