DC Database

"The Search for Mary Beth, Part One": Angel Love gets a phone call that her mother is now in the hospital, and so she travels to Scranton, PA to visit her. She finds out from her mother's physician Doctor Chin that her mother is suffering from a terminal disease that can only be cured through a

Angel Love #5 is an issue of the series Angel Love (Volume 1) with a cover date of December, 1986.

Synopsis for "The Search for Mary Beth, Part One"

Angel Love gets a phone call that her mother is now in the hospital, and so she travels to Scranton, PA to visit her. She finds out from her mother's physician Doctor Chin that her mother is suffering from a terminal disease that can only be cured through a bone marrow donation. Angel offers to have her bone marrow be tested for compatibility with her mother's, and soon rests while Doctor Chin runs the tests. In Angel's dream, Doctor Chin tells her that her bone marrow is compatible with her mother's, and that she would be cured, and she and Angel would live happily ever after. However, as Angel woke up from the dream, Doctor Chin gives the bad news that Angel isn't a compatible donor, and so their next move would be to find another family member who could possibly be a compatible match. Knowing that her father had passed away years ago, Angel could only think of her sister Mary Beth, whom she hasn't seen in years since she was a child. Returning to New York City, Angel is resolved to finding Mary Beth no matter what it takes.

Appearing in "The Search for Mary Beth, Part One"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

Other Characters:

  • Doctor Chin
  • Rose




See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
