DC Database

Angelica is a Russian spy, sometimes lover and ally of Deathstroke.

Angelica once had an encounter with Bronze Tiger that resulted in her scars.[1]

Angelica was contacted by Slade who asked her to provide him with the locations of some of his targets, she then proceeded to torture several people to obtain his information but was contacted by a second party who asked her to bring Slade to a certain place, she accepted and when Slade arrived she warned him that he was being set up but one of her victims turned out to be Possum, who proceeded to incapacitate Slade with a sleeper program in Slade's head and apparently killed Angelica.[2]

She reappeared days later in the company of I-Ching after Slade had been attacked by a mind-controlled Bronze Tiger, who had been sent to kill Slade by his own father Odysseus.[1]


  • Accelerated Healing: Angelica has been genetically altered to heal from wounds that would easily kill an ordinary human, although she has admitted that her healing is not as good as Deathstroke's it was still enough to let her completely heal after Possum caved her skull in with a punch.


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