DC Database

The L'Angells settled in America during the only 1800s, and have stayed there ever since. They killed all the local Native Americans, (cheaper than converting them to christianity,,) and the family blood goes way back. The men were primarily Preachers, (except during wartimes,) and women were for br

Quote1 If the Devil created Texas like some folks say he did, this is where he rested on the seventh day. Quote2
Jesse Custersrc

Angelville is the home the L'Angells, a French Puritan family.


The L'Angells settled in America during the only 1800s, and have stayed there ever since. They killed all the local Native Americans, (cheaper than converting them to christianity,[1],) and the family blood goes way back. The men were primarily Preachers, (except during wartimes,) and women were for breeding. Angelville remained the home of the L'Angells until Jesse Custer burned it down.

See Also
