Aquaman: Death of a King is the fourth collection of the New 52 series Aquaman (Volume 7).
- Aquaman (Volume 7) #17 (Throne of Atlantis, Epilogue)
- Aquaman (Volume 7) #18 (Death of a King, Chapter One)
- Aquaman (Volume 7) #19 (Death of a King, Chapter Two)
- Aquaman (Volume 7) #21 (Death of a King, Chapter Three)
- Aquaman (Volume 7) #22 (Death of a King, Chapter Four)
- Aquaman (Volume 7) #23 (Death of a King, Chapter Five)
- Aquaman (Volume 7) #24 (Death of a King, Chapter Six)
- Aquaman (Volume 7) #25 (Death of a King, Chapter Seven)