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"Double Edged": This story is reprinted from Aquaman Giant #1.

Aquaman: Deep Dives #1 is a chapter in the digital-first series Aquaman: Deep Dives (Volume 1 (Digital)) with a cover date of April, 2020.

Synopsis for "Double Edged"

This story is reprinted from Aquaman Giant #1.

Mera is delivering a speech to the United Nations General Assembly regarding the importance of the trade treaty between the seven kingdoms of Atlantis and the surface world as a whole, Arthur Curry receives a Justice League alert. Black Manta is attacking the Museum of Unnatural History to go after the indestructible Sporting Snare, which was a pride of the Mermazons.

When Arthur intervenes before Black Manta can steal the snare, the latter criticizes the former about killing his father but protecting the snare. Arthur doesn't regret it however saying Manta's father was a pirate who hurt others. He tries to warn him against the consequences of using the snare stating it's cursed which is why he hid it under a false identity on the surface, but Manta refuses to believe him.

As he uses the Sporting Snare to attack Arthur, the former suffers a debilitating shock after which his vision is impaired and hunger greatly increased. Aquaman explains this is why he hid it, because those who used it for anything other than feeding themselves were struck with a personal famine which was the cause of the end of the Mermazons.

Manta promises he will destroy Arthur one day before being apprehended by the New York police. Arthur later goes to the Arctic Ocean and decides to let the Sporting Snare stay there with one of its victims, stating he was wrong to think it'll be safe on the surface and he will come after anyone who tries to steal it.

Appearing in "Double Edged"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



  • Sporting Snare

See Also

Links and References
