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"American Tidal, Part 4": Aquaman has sent a large group of whales to the shore of San Diego to help the people stay underwater. Meanwhile, he and Lorena investigate the mysterious creature with several eyes. Aqu

Quote1 He killed my family. He killed my friends. I know exactly what he's capable of. And I want him to see what I'm capable of! Quote2
Lorena Marquez

Aquaman (Volume 6) #18 is an issue of the series Aquaman (Volume 6) with a cover date of July, 2004. It was published on May 12, 2004.

Synopsis for "American Tidal, Part 4"

Aquaman has sent a large group of whales to the shore of San Diego to help the people stay underwater. Meanwhile, he and Lorena investigate the mysterious creature with several eyes. Aquaman feels like the creature is being controlled, not knowing that in fact he is being watched from another place by a group of shady people who are apparently the ones responsible for the creature. They decide it's time to eliminate Aquaman and they command the creature with hundred eyes to attack Aquaman.

As the beast attacks, Aquaman takes Lorena to a safe place before attacking the monster. Using his water hand, Aquaman reaches for the creature and upon touching it, he learns that this life form is a composition of several ones, that were unfortunately mashed together. When Aquaman commands them to separate from each other, the beast explodes in million pieces and the metallic shards attached to its body are expelled like projectiles across the water. One of the shards almost hits Lorena and a larger, sharper piece of metal pierces through the side of the dolhin that informed Aquaman about the machine. Aquaman realizes that his friend was hit, but by the time he makes it to its side, the dolphin was already dead. Lorena expresses her sorrow and Aquaman admits that he will miss his friend's wisdom and assistance.

Aquaman then decides to establish a mental connection between the remains of the beast and using his marine telepathy, he creates a bond with the various species that the beast was formed from. In this way, Aquaman learns that there is a man somewhere in San Diego that is somehow responsible for this catastrophe. As Aquaman heads out of the sea, Lorena follows him, hoping to get some revenge against the responsible of so much destruction. When they reach the surface, Aquaman is surprised to see that Lorena is now capable of staying alive out of the water and he allows her to go along with him, always following his command.

At the house of the man responsible, he is talking to himself, trying to convince himself that everything that he did has a good reason, but just as he finishes this thought, Aquaman breaks the door of his apartment down in a complete outburst of anger.

Appearing in "American Tidal, Part 4"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Anton Geist (First appearance)
  • Progene Tech (First appearance)
    • Mr. J (First appearance)
    • Ronald

Other Characters:

  • Dolphins


See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
