Aquamen #2 is an issue of the series Aquamen (Volume 1) with a cover date of May, 2022. It was published on March 29, 2022.
Synopsis for "Raging Waters"
Arthur tries to explain to Jackson why he is working with Black Manta, claiming that dark forces are at work; but Jackson refuses to listen, knocks his two father figures away with a tidal wave and takes Jonas Martin's body back to Atlantis. He calls a meeting of the Aquaman Family and asks Mera to bring an expert on Atlantean biology. Meanwhile in Bexley, detectives search the wreckage of the Moss's home and find Debra's body but not Bob's. A helicopter flying overhead sees two large symbols carved into the ground at the site.
In Atlantis, Arthur and Black Manta sneak into the Trench-infested western outskirts of the Ninth Tride, while the Aquaman Family meet at a laboratory in the east. Mera and Tula arrive with Stephen Shin, who examines the body while the others discuss Arthur's alliance with Manta. Garth and Tula are willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, and suggest he may be trying to trick Manta somehow, but Mera admits Arthur has been acting strangely since he returned from Mars. Shin determines that Jonas Martin is half-Atlantean, genetically modified to be able to survive on the surface indefinitely, and also finds a transceiver implanted in his brain which could potentially deactivate his higher brain functions. The others conclude that Martin must have been a deep-cover spy. Tula receives an image of the markings at the Moss's home, which are revealed to be a message written in ancient Atlantean: the words "Atlantis remembers" and a date, corresponding to a day when seven Atlanteans were killed by an oil spill.
Meanwhile, Arthur and Manta fight their way past the Trench to a hidden broadcast station, which Arthur appears to be familiar with. He tells Manta that the signal activating Jonas was sent from the station. The equipment needs two people to either activate or deactivate it, and also subjects them to a powerful energy surge which could kill even an Atlantean. They find one dead body at the controls, meaning one of the people who activated the signal is still alive and at large. They deactivate the signal and survive the shock, but the station begins collapsing around them.
Jackson goes to the Aquarium, a maximum security prison where Orm is being held. Jackson believes Orm knows about the sleepers and that his attack on the UN was a distraction. Jackson demands Orm tell him what is going on, but Orm replies that he should be asking Arthur and refuses to speak to him further. Jackson tortures Orm for information by painfully manipulating the water in his body.
Appearing in "Raging Waters"
Featured Characters:
- Aquaman (Arthur Curry)
- Aquaman (Jackson Hyde) (Also in a vision)
Supporting Characters:
- Aquaman Family
- Andy Curry (In a vision) (Cameo)
- Mera (Also in a vision)
- Tempest
- Tula
- Atlanteans
- Black Manta
- Dr. Stephen Shin
Other Characters:
- Jonas Martin (Appears only as a corpse)
- Detective Meachum (First appearance)
- Bob Moss (Mentioned only)
- Lt. Charleze (Mentioned only)
- Debra Moss (Deceased) (Mentioned only)
- Frankenstein (Mentioned only)
- Lucia Hyde (Mentioned only)
- Titans (Mentioned only)
- Earth
- Atlantis (Also in a vision)
- The Aquarium
- Ninth Tride
- France
- United States of America
- Maine
- Amnesty Bay
- Curry Lighthouse (In a vision) (Cameo)
- Amnesty Bay
- Ohio
- Maine
- Atlantis (Also in a vision)
- Mars (Mentioned only)
See Also