DC Database

Quote1 Only love can save the world. Quote2
Arda Moore src

Arda Moore is the Governatrix of Harmonia in the 31st Century.[1]

As the Governatrix elect of Gaia, she is assisted by the Council of Presidents in the world-wide Republic of Harmonia.

During Diana's Day festivities, which celebrated the thousand years in which women gave birth to the future as they know it then, it seemed Moore disappeared en route to the planet Infanta for play and trade talks, all this as Arda's government faced further accusations of institutionalized androphobia by Professor Garrett Manly's male supremacist Manly Party.

But in truth Moore was giving a public speech at the government seat in Harmonia, capital city of the Republic of Harmonia, and, thanks to her immense compassion, she managed to prevent a suicide bomber sent by Manly, named Shuri Bexstrop, from destroying the building, undoing the plans of Operation Hercules conceived by Professor Manly.

The woman they thought they had kidnapped and held hostage was actually Wonder Woman, who, taking advantage of the great physical resemblance between the two of them, and previously knowing about Operation Hercules, disguised herself as Arda Moore and allowed herself to be taken to captivity, until the bomb failed and Manly and his men, the Purple Shirts, were arrested by Steve Trevor at the head of the Love Police.

From Moore's speech we learned a little about culture in the 31st century: they live under the matronage of Aphrodite and Athena, in the name of beauty and of wisdom; the Earth is then called by her Hellenic name, Gaia; History is then known as Hystery (from Greek hystéra, "womb"); she explains the origin of the Multiverse not by the explosion of the Big Bang theory, but by Parthenogenesis, and speaks of daughter universes bud from the branching mother tree, releasing, flowering, extending through time from Hystery's stem with each its individual shape, its unique variation of the plan.[1]




