This paperback collects the Arkham Asylum: Living Hell storyline. This storyline originally was published in its own comic book series Arkham Asylum: Living Hell from July to December, 2003. This story was written by Dan Slott and illustrated by Ryan Sook.
In this story Warren White, one of Gotham's most successful financiers, thinks he could beat his jail rap by pleading insanity. As a result of this, he ends up in Arkham Asylum.
A deluxe hardcover edition was released in 2014.
This paperback collects the following comic books:
- Arkham Asylum: Living Hell #1 (Chapter One: Whole in the Head)
- Arkham Asylum: Living Hell #2 (Chapter Two: Bits & Pieces)
- Arkham Asylum: Living Hell #3 (Chapter Three: Cracked Up)
- Arkham Asylum: Living Hell #4 (Chapter Four: Tic Toc)
- Arkham Asylum: Living Hell #5 (Chapter Five: Patterns)
- Arkham Asylum: Living Hell #6 (Chapter Six: Rhyme & Reason)
- Although Arkham Asylum: Living Hell is considered a Batman Storyline, Batman actually only appears in the first and last issues, and briefly at that.
- The Deluxe Edition contains series notes by Dan Slott and sketches by Ryan Sook.