Floyd Belkin, also known as Arm-Fall-Off-Boy or Splitter, is a young hero from the 31st Century who failed in his tryouts for the Legion of Super-Heroes and joined the Heroes of Lallor. He has the unique ability to detach his limbs and use them as weapons. It was not enough to secure a place in the team, but he later became his own superhero, sometimes along with the entire Fall-Off family, occasionally assisting other heroes like Jimmy Olsen or even the Legion on their missions.
A character with identical abilities, Cory Pitzner, was introduced in the DC Extended Universe. Pitzner was a criminal known as T.D.K. (short for The Detachable Kid). Proud of his useless powers, he had a brief stint as a member of the Suicide Squad.
Arm-Fall-Off-Boy was created by Gerard Jones and Curt Swan, first appearing in Secret Origins (Volume 2) #46 (1989). T.D.K. was created by James Gunn (taking influence from Jones and Swan) and first appeared in the feature film The Suicide Squad (2021).
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