DC Database
DC Database

B.J. Ward (b. September 16, 1944) voiced Jayna for the animated series Super Friends: The Legendary Super Powers Show, taking over the role from Liberty Williams, and Wonder Woman for the animated series The Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians, taking over the role from Constance Cawlfield.

Work History

Acting Credits

Super Friends: The Legendary Super Powers Show 1983-1984 Jayna
     "The Case of the Shrinking Super Friends" October 20, 1984 Jayna
     "The Village of Lost Souls" December 1, 1984 Jayna
The Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians 1984-1985 Wonder Woman
     "The Seeds of Doom" September 14, 1985 Wonder Woman
     "The Bizarro Super Powers Team" September 21, 1985 Wonder Woman
     "The Darkseid Deception" September 28, 1985 Wonder Woman
     "The Wild Cards" October 12, 1985 Wonder Woman
     "Brain Child/The Case of the Stolen Powers" October 19, 1985 Wonder Woman
     "Escape from Space City" November 9, 1985 Wonder Woman
     "The Death of Superman" November 2, 1985 Wonder Woman
Superman 1988-1988 Syrene
     "Superman and Wonder Woman vs. The Sorceress of Time/The Birthday Party" November 5, 1988 Syrene
Batman: The Animated Series 1992-1995 M3
     "The Lion and the Unicorn" September 15, 1995 M3
Batman Beyond 1999-2001 Singer
     "Out of the Past" October 21, 2000 Singer
DC Super Hero Girls: Hero of the Year August 9, 2016 Master Alchemist

External Links

