B.J. Ward (b. September 16, 1944) voiced Jayna for the animated series Super Friends: The Legendary Super Powers Show, taking over the role from Liberty Williams, and Wonder Woman for the animated series The Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians, taking over the role from Constance Cawlfield.
Work History
Acting Credits
Super Friends: The Legendary Super Powers Show | 1983-1984 | Jayna |
"The Case of the Shrinking Super Friends" | October 20, 1984 | Jayna |
"The Village of Lost Souls" | December 1, 1984 | Jayna |
The Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians | 1984-1985 | Wonder Woman |
"The Seeds of Doom" | September 14, 1985 | Wonder Woman |
"The Bizarro Super Powers Team" | September 21, 1985 | Wonder Woman |
"The Darkseid Deception" | September 28, 1985 | Wonder Woman |
"The Wild Cards" | October 12, 1985 | Wonder Woman |
"Brain Child/The Case of the Stolen Powers" | October 19, 1985 | Wonder Woman |
"Escape from Space City" | November 9, 1985 | Wonder Woman |
"The Death of Superman" | November 2, 1985 | Wonder Woman |
Superman | 1988-1988 | Syrene |
"Superman and Wonder Woman vs. The Sorceress of Time/The Birthday Party" | November 5, 1988 | Syrene |
Batman: The Animated Series | 1992-1995 | M3 |
"The Lion and the Unicorn" | September 15, 1995 | M3 |
Batman Beyond | 1999-2001 | Singer |
"Out of the Past" | October 21, 2000 | Singer |
DC Super Hero Girls: Hero of the Year | August 9, 2016 | Master Alchemist |
External Links
- B.J. Ward at IMDb
- B.J. Ward at Wikipedia.org