DC Database

In 1949, Red agents took over the island of Balulu at gunpoint, assassinating some officials and arresting others, and imposed martial law. The Blackhawk Squadron was alerted to this situation by one Baluluan citizen, and intervened, with handguns and a

Quote1 Strangers grabbing a small island ... strategically located! That sounds like the work of a certain power we know, eh, gentlemen? Quote2

Balulu Island was a small but free nation of European-looking seafaring people, with a democratic government, on an island, in the Tropics, in the Western Sea. Balulu was located in a strategically significant spot, coveted by the expanding Communist hegemony.


In 1949, Red agents took over the island of Balulu at gunpoint, assassinating some officials and arresting others, and imposed martial law. The Blackhawk Squadron was alerted to this situation by one Baluluan citizen, and intervened, with handguns and a howitzer. After a prolonged gunfight, the townspeople of the island's capital were able to regain control of their city. The leader of the foreign agents, "Twilight," shot herself dead.


  • Yola Tarn
  • Twilight


  • Palm trees grow there, so it's in the Tropics. It's an island so it's in either the East or West Indies. "Western Sea" implies Caribbean.

See Also
