DC Database

Quote1 Bane knows from growing up in prison that the toughest doesn't always win. Neither does the smartest. But if the toughest is also the smartest... he's unbeatable. Quote2
Batman src

Bane was a brilliant world-class fighter and tactical genius who augmented his great physical strength with a steroid called Venom. He was a frequent enemy of the Batman and his allies.


As part of Project Gilgamesh, a prisoner of Peña Duro was enhanced with the super-steroid Venom. A genius tactician, the prisoner used his newfound super-strength to escape and, using an arm-mounted Venom dispenser and a system of tubes, became the expensive mercenary and master criminal known only as Bane.[1]

Battling the Batman

When the Venom was injected into his brain (from a dispenser usually mounted on his arm, and fed through tubes connected to his mask), he achieved superhuman strength and endurance (although not enough to defeat Superman). However, the Venom could be dangerous when used in excess. During their first encounter, Batman defeated Bane by triggering an overdose of the drug into Bane's head, stopping the flow before Bane literally burst.[1]

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  • Peak Human Condition: Bane was an Olympic-level athlete with immense strength even without the aid of Venom.


Other Characteristics

  • Drug Addiction
    • Dependency: Because of his addiction to Venom, Bane in his old age needed constant infusions of Venom just to stay alive.
      • Restricted Mobility: In his old age, Bane's constant use of Venom had degraded his body and transformed him into a wheelchair-bound invalid.



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Batman Villain(s)
This character, team or organization, has been primarily an enemy of the Batman, or the Batman Family as a whole. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Batman Villains."

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Batwoman Villain(s)
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This character, team, or organization, is or was primarily an enemy of Batwoman. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Batwoman Villains category."
