DC Database
DC Database

In 1952, an independent supervillain called Corvik attacked Banglow, with a will-sapping gas, deployed from an octopus-shaped airship. He then moved on to attack the neighboring nation of Larovia, where he met the Blackhawks, from which encounter he did

Quote1 We'll talk about that later, Chop Chop! Chuck, let's fly around Banglow and take a look! Quote2

Banglow was the first country to be invaded by Corvik's Flying Octopus.


In 1952, an independent supervillain called Corvik attacked Banglow, with a will-sapping gas, deployed from an octopus-shaped airship. He then moved on to attack the neighboring nation of Larovia, where he met the Blackhawks, from which encounter he did not return.

Points of Interest

  • Not far from Larovia, on or near the Pacific Coast of South America.
  • Corvik's lair, in a valley deeply entrenched in high mountains


  • Corvik


  • Corvik attacks Banglow first, implying his mountain/valley base is in or near Banglow.

See Also
